I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Weekly Recap (Week 43) Taylor Swift takes Romancelandia

by | Oct 23, 2022 | Sunday Post | 10 comments

So this past week was quite an interesting week. I was under the weather a bit this week, so work wasn’t too much fun. I had plans to visit my sister over the weekend, but I got pretty sick on Friday, and ended up not going just in case. It was such a stomach bug, but not fun. My reading week was pretty strong with 11 books being read and that was with my weekend not reading as much as I normally do. I am feeling better today, so I plan on getting blog stuff done for the week and then just relaxing with some apple cider and books! Some new things kinda happened this past week. A NEW line of a kindle got announced on Amazon!! How cool is that??!! Now it’s not a new Oasis. I do believe that will be released in the coming months, but what is coming out is called the Kindle Scribe. It’s basically going to be larger at 10 inches (the kindle oasis screen I think is 7 inches so that’s a way bigger size), it has an amazing battery, and also it has the ability to write, like annotate and things. Honestly, I will probably grab it up haha I am not sure I can wait on the new oasis. And then what happened over the weekend, is that Taylor Swift released her new album and this new Instagram themed post was making the rounds around the community. I will be doing a tag post tomorrow featuring this, but it’s up on my Instagram account if you want to check out my picks for it! It’s basically where you share your top 13 books, that kept you up past midnight and just made an impression on you. So I spent two hours last night putting it together, and normally Taylor Swift isn’t for me, BUT I was all in for it. I have it below if you want to take a listen!

Bookish Posts and Books Read of Week October15th through October22nd

(All my books read and their reviews are on Goodreads)

Book DNF’d-Claimed by J.R. Ward—-I had to put this one down! The audio was so hard to concentrate on and I really need to just physically read books that Jim Frangione narrates. I just don’t like him as a narrator at all!

Book Read-Flawless by Elsie Silver–Rating 4 Stars-I absolutely adored this book, it was such a solid read! It features a hero that is a bull rider, and is a bit of a enemies to lovers but not super heavy on the enemy. It was charming and endearing and I had a fun time with it.

Book read-Immoral by Maggie Cole-5 Stars–I absolutely LOVED this book and NO flashbacks so I was happy about that. It was just so much fun and Maggie Cole I am coming to really love.

Book Listened-A Sweet Alaskan Fall by Jennifer Snow-4 Stars—Now I enjoyed this one a bit more than my first read from this author, but the heroine was still problematic toward the end there. I just wanted her to fight for the hero in the way that he deserved. But it was an endearing read and plan on picking her up in the future.

Book Read-Poseidon by Carly Spade—4.5 Stars—This is probably my favorite of the series so far! It was so so much fun here! I loved the water adventures and makes for the perfect summer read. And it has a epic love type of story which I really enjoyed. Its basically a star-crossed lovers type of story.

Book Read-Contemporary Mythos Summer by Carly Spade—4 Stars—Of course, after reading Poseidon I had to pick up their seasonal novella and it was really fun to see them together with Hades and his lady and play volleyball and play tricks on the mortals haha

Book Read-Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning—4 Stars—I really liked this one, I had previously read it and DNF’d it. At the time of reading it, I wasn’t as open to certain sexual situations as I am now. So I think because of that I was able to enjoy it more and I can’t wait to delve more into the rest of the series

Book Read-A Little Too Close by Rebecca Yarros-3 Stars—This one was disappointing. Everyone was five starring this one, and honestly I am not sure if it was the narration or the book itself, its probably a mix of both, but this one didn’t work for me that much. I just didn’t really “feel” the romance or the story much. I would like to try this author again, so give me your best recs!

Book Read-A Contemporary Mythos Halloween by Carly Spade-4 Stars–If you are looking for a great Halloween vibe, this novella was so much FUN!! I just had so much fun with it.

Book Listened-Lady Pirate by Lynsay Sands—3 Stars—I wanted to love this more than I actually did. The heroine was NOT for me. I like strong heroine, but not when they abuse the heroes. I mean she reminded me of Daphne in the Bridgertons. And yeah she manipulated the hero to marry her and also tried to rape him so she could get pregnant and yeah that I can’t do. Its a miracle I finished the book haha And I was so disappointed because I had high hopes for this one.

Book Read-Revived by Samantha Towle—4 Stars—I am not sure why I haven’t read this one more, but I absolutely adored this one. It does feature some taboo nature of a therapist falling for her patient. I did feel like the author handled this aspect so well though and I really enjoyed the way in which this one done here. I need more RACER heroes! And it also features a Brazillian descent hero. I love coming across diverse characters when I least expect it.

Recommend It: Menage Romance

Books I want To Read Before the End of 2022

Week 3 of October Releases of 2022

ARC Book Review-Archangel’s Resurrection by Nalini Singh

Audio Book Review-Huckleberry Christmas by Jennifer Beckstrand

Weekly Recap (Week 42)

Bookish Posts To Look Forward To This Week

Taylor Swift Midnights Book Tag

Book Releases for the Week

Author Deep Dive-Joanna Wylde

Recommend it: Dominatrix Heroines

Current Reads

My Current Audiobook is At Death’s Door by Sherrilyn Kenyon, I have been meaning to get back to this author, the last book I read from her was Acheron and that was a few years ago and I was browsing my library catalog, and this cover popped up, and its so Halloween spooky vibe like right? I am currently reading Pure Ecstasy and its really interesting. I am curious to see where the author will take the romance. And then I will be grabbing up Heartless by Elsie Silver. This BOOK is all over instragram and everyone is raving about this one. Its basically a single dad/nanny type of pairing and I am super excited as everyone is loving it. Then I wanted to grab up a Talia Hibbert, its been a while since I picked her up. Then I will be grabbing up the last book in the contemporary mythos series “Zeus”, this hero has been a matchmaker throughout the series so I just want to see him find his HEA. If you like mythological fantasty, I can’t recommend this series enough.

Book Releases I am Excited For

(Its a HUGE release week, so be ready for my post haha)

Unbroken Bonds by J Bree

Garretts Destiny by Rebecca Zanetti

When She’s Pregnant by Ruby Dixon

The Boxing Baroness by Minvera Spencer

Alaska For Christmas by Jennifer Snow

Fractured Sky by Catherine Cowles

My Weekly TBR

These are books that I have a rough TBR for, I normally don’t like a super strict TBR as I tend to be a mood reader, so I might get to these books but depending on my mood, I might not get to all of them. I have a mix of regular TBR reads and some Halloween spooky reads. I am ready to finish off the Madigan Mountain Series with A Little Too Wild. I have been seeing so many good things thi week about The Lotus Palace, so I grabbed that one up from my library and its about time I try this author. Then my next audiobook will be a Carolyn Brown with “Wild Cowboy Ways” and am excited to get back to her. I wasn’t able to get to Dark Affair last week, I wanted to wait on it until closer till the end of the month. Then I will be picking up Gothikana. Its a academia gothic romance and its on all of the top lists. Then I wanted to get one of my other spooky reads in with Amanda Ashley.

Favorite Book of the Week

This was such a FUN filled romantic adventure under the sea! This is poseidon’s book and it was superb seeing these two star crossed lovers find each other again. It has a mix of demi gods, epic love, second chance and reincarnation.

New Additions to A&R

No Additions This Week!

How Was This Past Week In October For You? Have You Read Any Good books this Week? Let Me Know in the Comments below!

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  1. Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

    The Scribe sounds great for book bloggers, out of my price range though unfortunately.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  2. Sophie

    I have seen the Kindle Scribe but it costs nearly 400 EUR!! I am not sure I am ready to pay that price LOL I hope you’ll feel better next week!

  3. Deanna (A Novel Glimpse)

    I hope you’re feeling better. Stomach bugs are horrible.
    I’m a TS fan, so I was excited for this release and have been enjoying listening to it. I’m sure I’ll jump on the train with a book related post someday.
    I am happy you loved Flawless! I think you’re going to love Heartless even more. I actually went back and binged her Gold Rush Ranch series after I finished both of those you’re reading. It was good, too. I think I’ve found another favorite author to add to the many. haha

  4. Sam@WLABB

    Sorry to hear you were under the weather. Stomach bugs are never good. You know I just went and looked up Jim Frangione to see if I listened to any books by him (I have not). He has quite an extensive catalog. My daughter and I had looked into the Scribe when it was first announced. I wouldn’t use any of that functionality, so my Oasis is safe for now. I have a Fire for reading books that cannot be sent to my Oasis, but it’s big and heavy. I don’t like it as much as my Oasis.

  5. Greg

    I’ve heard lots of good things about Taylor Swift’s new one, but haven’t heard any of the music yet. I’ll have to give it a listen. I hope you’re feeling better! I have to say I’m curious about this new Kindle ha ha. I might have to get one too!

  6. Samantha

    I hadn’t seen the Taylor Swift bookstagram thing but I am down for that! I do actually enjoy some t-swift. But, I also love books! Sorry about the stomach bug. That is a bummer!

  7. Natalie

    Glad you’re feeling better!!
    I’m looking forward to your reviews for both Aja and Sherrilyn’s books 🙂
    I hope you have an incredible week!! xo

  8. Sophia Rose

    Ugh on the stomach bug. Wishing you well. I look forward to your list of 13 and the connection to Taylor Swift. I enjoyed The Lotus Palace series and the Carolyn Brown. The Dark Affair was enjoyable and a perfect HR for this time of the year.

    Have a good week, Renee!

  9. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    Hope you’re feeling better this week! I’m curious about the Kindle Scribe and am looking into it. The battery life and the annotation aspect are tempting me so bad. 🙂 I’m sorry A Little Too Close didn’t work for you! It was actually my favorite in the trilogy. If you want to give Yarros another try I would recommend Reason to Believe, It was excellent.

  10. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    I have been excited about the Kindle Scribe since I first saw it several weeks ago. I admit that I pre-ordered one even though we are trying not to spend money. I have been wanting a larger Kindle for a long time but I am not sure how much I will use the pen. I will still use my Oasis at times. I am sorry that you were not feeling great last week. I hope that you have had a great week!


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