I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Weekly Recap (Week 14) Will Spring Ever Arrive?

by | Apr 2, 2023 | Sunday Post | 10 comments

Bookish Posts and Books Read of Week of March 26 through April 1st

This past week was an interesting week for me. My mouth is feeling a little bit better, as the antibiotics are working better. But I still need treatment, I think my dentist didn’t get the correct tooth correct on what is causing the issue. So I am seeing a second opinion this week and hopefully get treatment done so I am good pain wise. So some days were pain free and some days weren’t so my reading isn’t quite what I wanted, but much better than the past two weeks! So it works for me. As for reading, it was a solid week actually. I read some five star books but I did have a disappointing DNF that really saddened me from a favorite author. Our weather is still COLD and snowy! Man will it ever be springtime ?? haha We are still in 30 degree temps. I am craving spring so badly, and hope it comes soon because I know summer will arrive fast here.

(All my books read and their reviews are on Goodreads, I have linked for you)

List and Link book reviews with ratings and description of opinion via goodreads

Book Listened-Mess Me Up by Lani Lynn Vale–Rating 4 Stars—This was such a wonderful book to kick off the week but it was a hard one to listen to, I am not going to lie. I really struggled with some of the plot devices on this one because it was super emotional. It does deal with some traumatic aspects (so definitely check the content warnings, and there is a big one) but I really loved the romance itself. It was so endearing but they go through the wringer in it. Definitely loving how she writes MC. Its basically light MC. Its not gritty or heavy, kinda similar to Melissa Foster, Rhenna Morgan and Laura Kaye.

Book Read-Broken With You by J. Kenner—Rating 4.5 Stars—-This read was so interesting and I LOVED it as you can tell from my rating. This was a marriage reunited story dealing with Amnesia. So it was emotional but I was hooked. The hero has been missing in action, but then he is found but has amnesia and the heroine (his wife) can’t tell him who she is or who they are for each other because it could harm him mentally. And it hurt my heart seeing what she goes through wanting to tell him the truth but can’t. Unrequited love to the extreme haha but it was DELIGHTFUL!

Book Read-Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann—Rating 5 Stars—This was a romance group read. If you like dark romance, let me know and I can send you an invite. Its a great group. And this was our first group read together and it was SUPERB!!! I completely understand why its so hyped. Its rough of course, but what really did it for me was seeing them learning to heal after the trauma and the deep connection that they develop for each other.

Book Read-Awaken Me Darkly by Gena Showalter—Rating–(DNF)—I had such high hopes for this one. I love everything this author has written and this is my first DNF. But basically the heroine was awful. She was basically a man hater sociopath. The way she treated men including the hero, was a red flag for me and is a hard limit for me. If you are new here, I can’t read heroines that are abusive towards men. Its just not okay for me. I do plan on reading another book in the series, if you have read the series, let me know which one I should pick up thats really good.

Book Read-In Isabeau’s Eyes by Lora Leigh—Rating 4 Stars—-I really enjoyed this one here. It was so wonderful to read here. Lora Leigh came back with a bang with this one. I really enjoyed the chemistry, the sassy heroine and the alpha protective hero. It was everything we know Lora Leigh can do so well. And the plot was so well done.

Book Read-Highest Bidder by Sara Cate—Rating 5 Stars—This book was fantastic and probably one of my favorites of the series. I am not sure its better than Praise, but its SUPER CLOSE and probably a tie for me. I just loved everything about this one. I wasn’t bothered by this age gap, its written in a way that just works. And I loved how these two are with each other. And the hero is such a caretaking hero and I loved that.

Book Read-One Hot Italian Summer by Karina Halle—Rating 4 Stars—What a great book to close out my week with! I finished this one on Friday and man I adored it. It was so delightful and had all the summer vibes I was looking for. It also had a artist and writer pairing with some sexy single dad vibes and plus the hero speaks Italian….bueno. haha

Weekly Recap (Week 13)

The Birthday Book Tag

Week 4 of March Releases

Book Review-Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann

Recommend It: Dancers

Bookish Posts To Look Forward To This Week

Monthly Recap: March

Book Release Post

Book Review-In Isabeau’s Eyes by Lora Leigh

Book Review-Max Wilde’s Cowboy Heart by Jennifer Ryan

Recommend It: Dream Walking

Current Reads

So my current audio: How To Be a Wallflower by Eloisa James I am really excited to listen to this one, and I also have it in ebook if the audio doesn’t work for me. Sometimes her books in audiobook don’t always work, but crossing fingers. I haven’t heard much about this one to be honest so I am going into it blind. Then we have a Romanceopoly pick A Crack in Everything and really excited to get back to a Cosway, its been years and very intrigued for this one. Fractured Souls is the newest book from this author and I am so excited for this one. It features human trafficking so I am really intrigued to see how this author will handle this aspect. Then we have the finale of the “Royal Elite” series with the Royal Elite Epilogue it will be fun to get this series finished and explore more of her backlist. Then finish it off with a sexy paranormal vampire romance. Its been so long since I have read Lara Adrian. So very thrilled to pick up Darker After Midnight .

Book Releases I am Excited For

Shoulder the Skye by Donna Grant

Freeing Sully by Melissa Foster

Power Play by Lexi James

My Weekly TBR

These are books that I have a rough TBR for, I normally don’t like a super strict TBR as I tend to be a mood reader, so I might get to these books but depending on my mood, I might not get to all of them, but I will endeavor to try with these. I have some great books lined up this week! Now I am SO Behind on my romanceopoly books like REALLY BEHIND, so working on catching up this week. But also grabbed some from my TBR.

Favorite Book of the Week

I am sure this is no surprise. This book just had my heart from beginning to end! If you like dark romance, you NEED to read this one! I promise you will love it.

New Additions to AR Library

How Was This Past Week For You? Any Great Books You Were Able to Pick Up? Let Me Know In The Comments Below!

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  1. BonnieReadsAndWrites

    That cover of The Phantom is beautiful! Sorry to hear about your dental issues. Hope you get it all worked out. Have a great week!

  2. Sam@WLABB

    Other than the one DNF, you had a solid week. I get having limits though and DNFing when necessary. That’s a long time to still be experiencing pain. Good luck with the second doctor. I hope they can help you .

  3. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    I had to laugh at the difference in our weather. You’re still getting winter and we’ve moved on to summer. Ha! I hope the second opinion dr. can solve that mouth pain and fix the issue! I plan on reading Still Beating very soon. Glad to see it was a 5 star read for you! That’s too bad about the DNF. Especially from a favorite author.

  4. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I hate when a book I’m really looking forward to turns into a DNF. Especially if it’s an author I’ve really enjoyed in the past! I have only read like one or two L.H. Cosway books, but I need to read more, this new one looks really good. We’ve been having some lovely spring weather, I hope you get some soon! I always hate when we barely get any spring and go straight to summer.

  5. Samantha

    I hope you get the tooth situation figured out. Mouth pain is the worst! Glad you got so many books read!

  6. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    Oh no! I am so sorry to hear that you have been having pain. I hope that you are able to get that sorted out quickly. It is so disappointing when a book from a favorite author doesn’t work for you. Have a great week!

  7. Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse

    Spring is taking forever here in the PNW too. We even got some snow mixed with rain yesterday and it’s APRIL! I need sunny and like 60. I hope you get your tooth figure out soon. That’s no fun.

  8. Sophie

    I really hope your new dentist will be able to help you Renee because that’s no way to live!


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