I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


The Birthday Book Tag

by | Mar 26, 2023 | Book Tag | 7 comments

So today….its March 26th and its my BIRTHDAY!!! I posted this a bit later in the day as there was still the weekly recap, so I do apologize on the multiple posts today! haha I can’t believe that I am 36 years old! So crazy to me. I refuse to admit that I am this old haha the only thing that truly comforts me is that I know I don’t look it. I saw this book tag at “the Bibliophile Girl” and knew I had to try it out and felt like it was perfect way to celebrate my special day.

BIRTHDAY CAKE-A book with a plot that seems cliche but you adore it anyway.

This book has quite a few cliches but it delivers all the way! The heroine’s life is in danger, the hero saves her, they find out that they are fated mates….fights her brother for her haha ITs delicious, sexy, and so atmospheric. I actually recommend this one in the early audio version with Juanita Parker. Its so well done.

PARTY GUESTS– your most anticipated book release this year

Out of all the book releases this year, this book tops the cake!!! I can’t wait for this one and just the blurb of this one I know it will be superb because guess what? We get back to the BEARS!!! I am so so excited!

THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG-a book that certainly deserved all the hype it got

Yeah I have to say that I was terrified to read this one which is probably why I put it off for so long! I knew it was super hyped and y’all know how I do with hyped books, normally I don’t enjoy them like everyone else. However, I was completely WRONG with this one, its WORTH everything positive about it. Its beautiful, emotional and just deeply riveting! Just thinking about this one I want to re read it!

BIRTHDAY PRESENTS-a book that surprised you with how much you loved it

This book, I know I know, Linda Kage NEVER disappoints. But with this one I knew it was interracial romance, and in my experience interracial romance either handles the racism in a agenda political way or just ignores it. So it doesn’t always work for me. BUT this one was perfect! I loved how the author showcased racism as it actually is. My nephew is mixed race, so I KNOW exactly how some people view these pairings. Its better than when I was young, but there is still a stigma and it doesn’t matter what race you are. I have seen it on both sides, so what I appreciated is how this author handled it and so WELL!! And their story is beyond beautiful in how they get to a point where they learn to not care what others think about them being together, because they are awesome together and they fight for each other in such a precious way!

HAPPY MUSIC-a book with some very beautiful and truly memorable quotes

If I had to pick a favorite of the series, it would be this one and it also had one of the most unique settings I have seen in a romance….as its set in Japan and the hero is Japanese (NEVER READ THAT BEFORE AND IT WAS AWESOME!) So gotta share my favorite quotes

I believe that if someone was stronger than others, it is his duty to share his strength, to protect the weak. Never to take advantage. No one has more right to survival than anyone else

To desire was to want. To want was to expose oneself to weakness. Weakness that could be used to bring endless pain and torment. And it all began with pleasure. Pleasure was addictive. Pleasure spawned desire. Ryu felt deep in his bones that Ava Monroe was pleasure incarnate. She should wear a sign that said: “This way lies folly. Trespass at your own risk.” She was dangerous to his peace of mind. He could not afford to be distracted by her. Not when he might need to end her life.

“What do you want from me?” he rasped huskily, his mouth a hair’s breadth from hers. She thought of saying something flippant or flirty, but couldn’t come up with anything but the truth: “Everything,” she whispered. A sharp indrawn breath, and then— Heaven. As his mouth covered her, hot and delicious.

I’d give my life for you, she heard his voice in her head, in her blood, as he continued to hold her gaze. I have never known love before you. Never loved in return. And I never shall love any woman but you.

“You’re made just for me, Ryu Takamura. I want to claim you for my very own.”

GETTING OLDER-a book that you read a long time ago, but you think you would appreciate it more if you read it as a mature reader

Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE this book and it will always be one of my favorite books. But I do think if I read it first time now than when I was 16, there are certain nuances I would have seen on a deeper level that I missed my first time around as I was such a young romance reader and didn’t fully appreciate what Kurland was able to deliver in this one.

SWEET BIRTHDAY MEMORIES-A book that kept you incredibly happy during a sad or demanding period in your life

These books were everything for me! I discovered these right when It Happened One Autumn was released, and I was going through a rough patch in life, as I was 19 and I had just lost three grandparents and a fiancee. So yeah life for me during this year was the worst I had ever experienced and I was young too. Dealing with so much grief was so much for me. But these books just brought so much light and comfort to my life and was a balm to my soul.

So that is IT! I hope you had a fun time reading through the tag as much as it was to put it all together!!!!

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  1. Sam@WLABB

    You always impress me with your memory. I agree with you about books we read in our youth. The lens we are seeing it through changes as we age and gain life experience. Happy Birthday!

  2. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    I never get tired of seeing Archer’s Voice get some love. It so deserves it! 🙂

  3. Mary Kirkland

    I loved Dark Challenge. I love that series so much.
    Happy Birthday!

  4. Sophia Rose

    What a fun idea for a book blog birthday celebration! Happy birthday, Renee! (incidentally, the birthdays go by faster the older you get, LOL)

    Enjoy your big day.

  5. Rachel

    Happy Birthday, Renee! 36 isn’t old! I loved Archer’s Voice and I’m looking forward to Resonance Surge as well!

  6. Karen

    Happy (belated) birthday!!

    I’ve never cared about my age or thought that my 30’s or even 40’s were old but now that I’m approaching my late 50’s…yikes lol

    Love the tag you participated in to celebrate.


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