I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Dig Deep with Lisa Kleypas–A deep dive look at one of the Queens of Historical Romance

by | Jul 8, 2022 | Deep Dives of Authors | 14 comments

Deep Dives is a new feature here on the site, I have been wanting to do this for a while now. This is a feature where I will focus on the works of one specific author (and if you want an author for me to delve into their works, let me know and I will add it to my list) normally this feature will be an author that is popular or readers want more background on. But I think this is a good idea as I have seen it around booktube and bookstagram. So I thought it would be fun to maybe get it going in the blogging atmosphere! We gotta stay with the times peeps haha

So for today, I am going to feature Lisa Kleypas, which is perfect as its also Lisa Kleypas Appreciate Week on Instagram. Lisa Kleypas is a best-selling author and has been writing historical romance for decades; she also is considered one of the “Queens” of writing historical romance. The majority of her books are around the regency/victorian era and many of her books could face up to the scrutiny of modernized readers who have a more sensitive approach. Lisa Kleypas is still currently writing (at least I think she is, there hasn’t been an update since her latest release in 2021). I will say that I absolutely adore Lisa Kleypas, as she is an author that is a lovely writer and a lovely person. (She has done a couple interviews on the SBTB Podcast) so its always so interesting to see her growth over the years and the various types of stories that she has been able to deliver. I have been reading her since the very beginning. She is an author I have always loved even her more morally questionable books (which had their time and place when they were written) She has written both historical and contemporary romance. She has a certain style in writing romance that has won over so many hearts. She writes such books that captivates instantly and has a certain “magic” in her writing style that is far different than anyone else.

The Beginning

Below you will see the books that are the earliest of the works and the books that started off this author’s career. These are the books that tend to be of the forgotten at times and they are are also the more challenging of books. They do have more questionable of plots and sets of circumstances and you will see more grey areas of non consent or dubious consent moments. They are also more of her gritty reads and can prove to be difficult reading for some readers. But they also have a certain spark that is typical of Kleypas writing. But these also portray what themes were popular back in this date of time with her own flair that still set herself apart from other authors and books. These are her 80-90’s novels. And I adored them when I first read them.

The Best Selling Series

The Wallflowers

This is the most well-known and well-favored series this author has written (although it probably has a contender with the Hathaways) But this series, according to Goodreads, has the highest amount of ratings. But this series is also AMAZING. This is the series to start with if you are new to this author. And I would recommend reading them in the physical format (as the author is changing the scenes such as removing them to make them more modernly sensitive which I think changes how they feel as complete scenes are being removed) This series is based on four friends, who are wallflowers and help each other find husbands. It’s funny, its warm, and charming, and the heroes are delectable with a strong sense of female friendship between the heroines. You can’t go wrong with this series. I do think people tend to forget about “Again the Magic” being a part of this series. Technically it wasn’t originally, but the heroine is sister to Westcliff, so it does have a strong connection to the series. Then we have The Wallflower Christmas which is where we see all the friends together celebrating Christmas and living their HEA’s and we see Lillian and Daisy’s brother get his HEA as well in a side story.

Gamblers of cravens

This is a duo series that is utterly delightful, and in fact, “Dreaming of You” is a strong contender for “Devil in Winter” especially when it comes to the heroes. There is even a Derek Craven day (who is the hero from “Dreaming of You”.) These are both amazing books. Their connection to each other is that Derek and Lily(heroine from “Then Came You” are best friends) and both of these books are gold. There are two cover editions, I like both but I know most people recognize these covers more now. Although the original stepbacks are just gorgeous.


This series is such a well loved series, and is Kleypas’ second most popular books that she has done. I will say that I know why its so popular. One there is a great family connection, these siblings are so fun together. Each sibling is so unique to each other. We also get some diverse characters as well they become the heroes in the series. Poppy’s book is my favorite as Poppy is the heart of the family, and her books is amazing. But in all honest, all books in the series are phenomenal and you are guaranteed to be charmed by these books.

The Ravenels

This is this author’s most recent series and is also super popular as well. This series was a big deal for a few reasons. One this is the first series that brought Kleypas back to writing historical romance, and they are also connected to “Devil in Winter”. I will say that pretty much all of the books except for book one are super well-loved. Personally, I don’t think they are as good as her previous historical books. There are only a few I absolutely loved and the others were okay reads, (but I am in the minority there) My personal Favorites are Marrying Winterbourne, Chasing Cassandra, and Devil in Disguise. I will say that all of these books have their own level of charm and unique setups. I don’t recommend reading these books first though, because they are so connected to the wallflowers, I think its best to read at least “The Wallflower” series first, to get the full scope of what these books really mean. but I will recommend reading these books in order especially the first two. In order to really understand the meaning of “Marrying Winterbourne” reading Cold-Hearted Rake, as the beginning of their story so I do think they need to be read together. But I think many readers will adore this series and be captivated by it.

The Standalones

These are all great reads and I absolutely adore what she has been able to deliver with her standalone. These are great if you love alpha males and strong heroines and just want to dip your toes into the magic of Lisa Kleypas. My personal favorite one is Suddenly You. This is a must-read for all fans of historical romance but most especially if you love Lisa Kleypas and haven’t gotten to these yet as they sometimes tend to be the forgotten books as they aren’t a big part of any of the series.

The Contemporaries

Travis Family

This is absolutely not only one of my favorite series by this author, but also one of my favorite contemporary series of all time. I adored these books, although Brown Eyed Girl I have yet to read (don’t ask me why but I have seen mixed reviews on it but I do plan on getting to it this year). I, however, adored books 1-3. Blue Eyed Devil is probably one of the most well known books, and is superb. I do recommend reading Sugar Daddy first though, as we see the beginning of Hardy Cates and his character growth is essential here. I adore these siblings and the strong bond that they have together. I also think listening to these in audio format is the best way to go though. The way the narrators do the souther charm accents, especially Blue Eyed Devil. (you can thank me later with brownies haha), as the narrations are so well done, like some of the BEST I have ever listened to.

Friday Harbor

This series is one of the most unique series by this author that I have read, as there is also a hint of magic to the series. So while it’s definitely contemporary, it has a bit “more” to it, and if you love alphamellows (which if you aren’t aware of that term as its a newer phrase, it’s basically a softer version of a alpha male) then this series is for you. I love the small-town setting, the quirky heroines, and the strong masculine men for heroes. It’s truly a delightful series and if you love contemporary romance and are not a fan of historical, then this is a great series to delve into.

The Underrated Mentions

Capitol Theatre

This is a marvelous series by Lisa Kleypas, and so underrated in so many ways. These books are SO delightful and if you want something different from your historical’s, then these are your tickets to that. We also get some American characters as well thrown into the mix. I absolutely adored both of these books and they have a flair that is different from her other books. Which is really so fun to read and explore.

Only Vallerands

These books I think are super underrated but they can push the boundaries a bit, so I do think that is why. These were my first books read by this author though, so I have a fondness for them. But I would check the content warnings if you are triggered by certain dubious consent elements. They do have a grittier feel to the stories and uber-alpha males. but I will say that I adore this family and they definitely entertain! and the setting is unique as it’s in the American South.

Bow Street Runners

Now this trilogy is one of my favorites from this author, but they also seem to not be talked about hardly ever which is so sad to me, because I think they are some of her best works in my opinion. Someone to Watch Over Me features an Amnesia trope with a bit of mistaken identity. Then we have Lady Sophia’s Lover (which is my favorite Kleypas) and this features a revenge trope as the heroine believes the hero caused her brother’s death and there is an age gap but the hero is delicious, then in the third act of the series with “Worth Any Price” we have a sweet romance with a hero being redeemed as he is a bit of a villain in book two. (Kleypas surely knows how to write her redeemable heroes) If you have yet to read this series, then I highly recommend them and I found them to be such fun to read and I can’t recommend these books enough (especially books 2 and 3)

And if you would like me to do one of your favorite authors or an author you want more in-depth evaluation on—I have this form HERE you can fill out and I will add it to my list!

So tell me have you read this author before? If so what are your favorite books by her? What do you love most about her writing? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. La Deetda Reads

    Thanks for this rundown on Lisa Kleypas’ books. I love her series but you have encouraged me to read some standalones.


    I love Lisa Kleypas! I haven’t read the last 3 on your standalone list, Vallerands or Friday Harbor. I have done rereads of most of her books and have also listened to the audio books for Wallflowers & Ravenels. Thank you for the advise of listening to the Travis Family books on audio. I read those before I got into audio, so I will have to listen as a reread! Thank you for the list and descriptions!

  3. Sophia Rose

    I have been meaning to read her Wallflowers and Hathaway series forever. I have the old paperbacks so I guess I’ll get the old-school version. My sensibilities aren’t that strong so I’ll be fine. 😉

    I’ve only read her first Bow Street Runners book which I liked.

    This is a fab feature, Renee. I look forward to seeing all the author spotlights you pick. For later possibilities, I would enjoy seeing Rosanne Bittner, Beverly Jenkins, Joanna Wylde, Rebecca Zanetti, Jeannie Lin, hmmm, Roni Loren, Rochelle Alers, annd, I’d better stop. 😉

  4. Carol Carver

    Lisa is my all-time favourite author and the Ravenels my favourite of all her series. Thanks so much for this terrific overview and encouraging me to read her books I didn’t even realize existed.

  5. anovelglimpse

    I’ve only read the first Wallflowers book, but it was good! I will read more from her at some point. This is a great post about Kleypas and her books.

    • Marijana

      I love lisa kleypas my favorite book is devil in winter but i love all of her books thanks for writing about her books

  6. nbiblioholic

    I love this! You had me realizing that it has been a long time since I’ve read from this author 🙂
    I enjoy doing author spotlights and I think this is an amazing feature for your blog. I can’t wait to see who you tackle next!! XO

  7. Jen

    What a fabulous idea for a post. Thanks so much! I’ve not yet read Lisa K, but have always intended to. I’m adding Suddenly You to my TBR. Thanks!

  8. Trish Brady

    Just FYI, Christmas at Friday Harbor was adapted as a Hallmark Christmas movie, Christmas with Holly, starring Eloise Mumford. It’s kind of sweet and definitely features those “alphamellows”

    • Alison

      I love Lisa Kleypas, her characters are all so perfect. My favorite gentleman is Sebastian from The Wallflower series. He is definitely everyone’s wanna be boyfriend.

  9. Voula Fisentzidis

    Lisa Kleypas is my favourite author, especially for historical romances- only discovered after watching the first Bridgerton series. I’ve purchased almost her entire catalogue in paperback and my special favourites also as audio CDs. Favourite stories are Suddenly You, Where Dreams Begin, Devil in Winter, and too many more to list.

    I wish she’d publish something new.

  10. Stephanie

    I’m addicted to historical romances audio books. Lisa Kleypas is one of my favorites. It a way of escaping all the negativity. I also love Lorraine Heath.

  11. D S

    Absolutely love this author, i keep checking het site to sew if any news on new books. Hope some new will be out soon. Another author i hope you will cover is Loretta Chase


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