I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Weekly Recap (Week 3) A Sexy Adaptation& Titanic In Theatres

by | Jan 15, 2023 | Sunday Post | 11 comments

This was a pretty solid good week for me. The reading was going steadily and I was working my way through my TBR until I finally caved and watched the adaptation of the series “The Secrets of Amy Benson” by Lisa Renee Jones. As you all probably know, she is one of my favorite authors. So to see them do an adaptation of one of her books was so great to see. I do like seeing some suspense books being implemented and it’s really well done, it was so good that I had to read the books so I binged the first two books and will read the rest of it this upcoming week haha I had a great week of reading, have stayed steady with my healthy meals with WW, and been getting some relaxing time. I have a three day weekend (just how my boss worked out my days off this week). Definitely plan on just reading and relaxing, might even take a bath today in my jet tub.

Lately I have been seeing lots of reviews and reading of The Spare. I have been receiving lots of recs to read it, and honestly I do not like Harry or Meghan. I lose lots of respect for people that stab their families in the back. I am picky about Non Fiction, but when it comes to Memoirs, I only read them for people I like or want their back story. And like us Americans shouldn’t have a desire to be so obsessed with the British royals lol Make it make sense, maybe its because we don’t have royals here in the States and its the whole its different and its royalty but look at our history with the British and it’s just weird. lol I guess I don’t romantacize the British royals like others do or maybe I just don’t understand it as I don’t live there, its a cultural thing I am not going to understand that much. But if you love the book, then I think its great, its just not going to be my cuppa tea if that makes sense.

Also NEW news, that I am not sure you guys heard about, but the classic movie “Titanic” is returning to theatres in 4K and 3D. I saw this for the first time when I was 10 I think? And funny story, my parents being good parents put coats over our heads due to the sex scenes. This time I want to see it without the coats and to see it in better video quality and 3D too. I hear its a fun experience, will you be doing this? Can you believe its been 25 years since it was released? I refuse to accept that I am that OLD haha Let me know in the comments!

Bookish Posts and Books Read of Week of January 8th through January 14th

This was a really fun reading week and got a good balance of sub genres. I read 11 books this week and some Romanceopoly reads as well!!! Definitely loving this challenge here.

(All my books read and their reviews are on Goodreads, I have linked for you)

Book Read-Answering Atlas by Chantal Fernando—Rating 4 Stars—This was such a charming MC romance. I really adored this one and it left me with a smile on my face. I do love how Chantal Fernando writes MC and connects all of her MC worlds together.

Book Read-Justice Ascending by Rebecca Zanetti—Rating 4.5 Stars—One of the BEST of the series. This book so thrilling, fun, angsty and kept me on my toes! I am really loving this world that the author has created!

Book Listened-The Warlord by Gena Showalter—Rating 5 Stars—This book was so fun! Such a great enemies to lovers, the angst was so well built as well as was the heart between them. Gena Showalter definitely knows how to write a paranormal romance!

Book Read-Claimed by the Warlord by Maddie Taylor—-Rating 4 Stars—This was a superb sci fi romance! It was everything I could have hoped for in a story here. The cover really drew me in, and the “warlord” title haha but it was super well done and loved how the hero was all in for the heroine and just being honorable.

Book Read-Only A Duchess Would Dare by Amelia Grey—Rating 3.5 Stars–This was a sweet historical, with a good mystery in it. I really had a fun time and I love these new covers for these backlisted books. Sourcebooks does some great covers. I really can’t wait to explore the rest of the series.

Book Listened-The Making of a Highlander by Elisa Braden—Rating 4.5 Stars—Elisa Braden has become such a popular author so I was really nervous to try her out, but this book was so wonderful to read! I can see why so many love her. I was impressed with how she writes historical romance and I can’t wait for more.

Book Listened-Say Yes by Elle Kennedy—Rating 4 Stars—-I really had a fun time with this short book! It was one of those random pick up and I was laughing all over the place. It had such a fun scenario and super short. So if you have audible plus,. I recommend you listen to this one especially if you are a fan of this author.

Book Read-Escaping Reality by Lisa Renee Jones—-Rating 5 Stars—This BOOK Was so good! I just loved everything about this and the Passionflix adaptation was stellar too. Just loved the suspense and sensual like intimacy between them.

Book Read-Infinite Possibilities by Lisa Renee Jones—Rating 4.5 Stars—So since the first book had a cliffhanger, I just had to find out what happened. This one does end in a HEA with a teaser for book 3, which involves a different couple.

Book Read-Dark Obsession by Aja James—-Rating 5 Stars—-This was EVERYTHING! I adored this one so much and I loved the whole white tiget with a panther mix. They were so fun together and boy does this author know how to write steam!

Book Read and Listened-The Perils of Pleasure by Julie Anne Long—Rating 4 Stars—-Such a fun one! I can’t believe I hadn’t read this one yet. Loved the chemistry and the plot was so well done. I loved the underground of London being portrayed and a great mystery being solved.

Recommend It: Barbarian Heroes

Audio Book Review-The Warlord by Gena Showalter

Week 2 of January Releases of 2023

New Years Book Tag of 2023

Weekly Recap (Week 2)

Bookish Posts To Look Forward To This Week

23 Books for 2023 Post

Book Release Post

Reviews-The Perils of Pleasure by Julie Anne Long (most likely)

Author Deep Dive-CL Wilson

Recommend IT: Espionage

Current Reads

My Current Audiobook is Knight of Passion by Margaret Mallory. This was a random pick through my Libby App but I have been wanting to get through to some older historical’s and I miss medievals. Then my next two romanceopoly reads is a FF romance “Party Favors” this one has been all over booktube, so I am intrigued and I love that it has a new years theme. Then “Good Girl” was the Office challenge on Romanceopoly and very excited for this one, I hope its as good as you all say haha I wasn’t able to get to Ruthless Empire or The One for Me last week as I had some mood reads however, I am excited to pick them up for my long weekend!

Book Releases I am Excited For

Magic Tides by Ilona Andrews

The Backup Plan by Jill Shalvis

The Game by Vi Keeland

Cute But Psycho by Lani Lynn Vale

My Weekly TBR

These are books that I have a rough TBR for, I normally don’t like a super strict TBR as I tend to be a mood reader, so I might get to these books but depending on my mood, I might not get to all of them, but I will endeavor to try with these. I have a good mix of fantasy, historical and mafia and a sports romance.

Favorite Book of the Week

I had such a good time with this Gena Showalter one! It was such a win of a read! If you love PNR, you definitely need to pick this one up.

New Additions to A&R

None This Week!

How Was This Past Week For You? Any Great Books You Were Able To Pick Up? Let me Know in The Comments Below!

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  1. Sam@WLABB

    Good on you keeping up with your eating regime. Gold star! Three day weekends are the best, especially following my first full week in so long. I had to look up that Kennedy short. I have the compilation. I need to see what other stories are in there.

  2. Sophie

    They put coats over your heads?? That’s so funny!!!

    • Lover of Romance

      haha yep it was so embarrassing!!! But I am glad that they did it looking back. That was something my siblings and I didn’t need to be exposed to.

  3. Ann Lorz

    You had such a busy week. Nice reviews.

  4. Greg

    Wow, has it been that long? I never did see it in theaters… and I like a good suspense adaptation too.

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend.

  5. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    I watched Titanic and liked it well enough but I have never been as in love with it as others seem to be. I was in my mid-20s when it came out and was too busy to watch a lot of movies. I have zero interest in Spare. I am a bit confused why everyone is so interested. I feel like everything would be incredibly biased. I don’t read many celebrity memoirs though, they are just not my thing.

  6. Mary Kirkland

    Good for you with eating healthy. It’s not easy.
    It’s hard to believe it’s been that long since it was released.

  7. Melliane

    It must be nice to see Titanix in 3D or 4D, something quite different.

  8. Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse

    I’ll probably listen to Spare at some point. I like celebrity memoirs. I think people are fascinated because we don’t have royalty here, Princess Diana was so beloved around the world and he’s her son, and there seems to have been a falling out between the family. I honestly don’t have an opinion on whether I like Harry or Megan. I don’t know enough about them. There are two sides to every story, so I’m sure some of his book is true. Or at least true in his eyes.

  9. Rachel

    Bravo on keeping to your eating goals! I don’t know if I’ll read The Spare and I have no opinion either way on Harry and Meghan because I’m not sure exactly what happened. I do like that he narrates it himself, so maybe someday. I think I read those Lisa Renee Jones books a while back and hearing you loved the adaptations has me curious. I might have to watch them.

  10. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    Glad you enjoyed the adaptation. That’s always fun when a favorite book is adapted well. And good for you for staying on track with the healthy eating. Hard to believe Titanic is 25 years old. Wow. Seeing the Corinne Michaels book makes me smile. She’s such a favorite of mine.


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