I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Weekly Recap (Week 13) Oral Infection Blues, Birthday Week

by | Mar 23, 2024 | Sunday Post | 12 comments

Wow this week was a doozy! How on earth is it Saturday? It feels like yesterday was Sunday. This past week was rough, one of the roughest weeks I have had in a long time. So I just had to get to a comfort series for me. There is some romance in them but spread throughout these. For those that aren’t aware of the Tennis Shoes series, its a LDS based fiction series, about a couple of friends and eventually their kids that travel through time into scriptural times. It also was a great distraction from the pain I was experience. I did get to the dentist, have a bad oral infection. I did get some antibiotics so hopefully it will clear out this infection. I pretty much just listened to these audiobooks and slept a ton lol but this week it is my Birthday on Tuesday. I am turning 37 and I refuse to admit I am that old. At least I don’t look that age haha

(All links to the reviews will guide you to my Goodreads Reviews)

Book Read-Tennis Shoes among the Nephites by Chris Heimerdinger—This book is about two teenagers, Jim and Garth and Jim’s sister Jenny. They discover a cave and find themselves in the times of ancient south America (book of Mormon times—for those familiar with the LDS faith). Their sister is kidnapped, and they get caught in the middle of a war while trying to find a way to rescue their sister from being a concubine of an evil warlord.

Book Read-Tennis Shoes-Gadiantons and the Silver Sword by Chris Heimerdinger–Garth, Jim and Jenny are now all adults and in college. Jim is dating Renee and they all get caught up in the world they have forgotten…..when evil Gadianton Robbers are after a sword that would only increase their power to do evil acts. Jim and Garth and the women they love travel down to Mexico to return the sword to its final resting place to kept it from the Gadiantons. This was so fun to return to and had me in my feels and loved the romances in it. What courage these couples had.

Books Read-Tennis Shoes and the Feathered Serpent (Parts 1 and 2)—-Its been 15 years. Jim has three kids and is a widow. When he is framed for murder, his daughter and Garth are kidnapped, he goes back to the book of Mormon times to the period where Christ visited South America after his resurrection. They get caught up in the turmoil of the times but also experience beautiful miracles with the visit from Jesus Christ. There is a good romance where Jim’s daughter falls in love with one of her captors who feels divided over his loyalties.

Book Read-The Sacred Quest, Lost Scrolls, Golden Crown by Chris Heimerdinger-Its been three years since the experiences of the Feathered Serpent. Jim is engaged to be married, but when his oldest daughter gets cancer, his son Ryan, takes matters in his own hands. Marcus (Melody’s love interest) is in another time, and Ryan is determined to get the man she loves to be by her side. But what he doesn’t expect is for Markus and Gidgodnihah to be taken captive by a slave trader in the time of 60 years following the birth of Christ in Rome. It brings him on a adventure to save the scrolls for the New Testament and if he doesn’t save them, it could have disastrous effects for the coming forth of the bible for the future.

Book Read-The Secret Fiancee by Catharina Maura—Rating 3 Stars—The first 90% of this book was amazing. I was blown away and honestly, it would have been a 6-star read until the end. There was a grovel done and it rubbed me the wrong way. This is why I am not a fan of grovels, because of what this author had the hero do and how the heroine treated him and dragged it out and it literally got to the point where the hero was on his knees begging and that is NOT attractive and shouldn’t be in a romance. Destroying the male lead isn’t going to appeal to me at all. But this ending just literally made me sick, that is how bad it was. And I think I am being generous with this rating.

Bookish Posts to Look Forward To

Best Winter Reads 2023-2024

Book Release Post

Fast Five- Science Fiction Romance

Current Reads

My Audiobook is Credence by Penelope Douglas and I am actually having a blast with this one here. Its still early in the book but will be getting through this one on Sunday is my plan. I also wanted to do the reread of The Gamble by Kristen Ashley and I have been wanting to return to the Colorado Mountain series. I heard about The Ritual on Instagram and it definitely had me intrigued so I am not sure how long I can put it off because it sounds so awesome but really dark. Then I wanted to continue with the world of Patricia Briggs with Hunting Ground I am really becoming hooked into this world, I am definitely seeing why so many of you loved these books. I was able to grab from the library The Scandal and very eager for it, the cover really pulled me in. She does great with her covers.

Book Releases I am Excited For

Nothing This Week!

My Weekly TBR

My weekly TBR consists of what I term a “Flexible TBR” basically means I try to read this TBR every week, but sometimes I will also pick up some random books that just sound good at the time. But I will endear to stick with my TBR as its carefully picked. This week I am working on Romanceopoly reads.

Favorite Book of the Week

Honestly it was such a blast to get back to this series. And while it didn’t really have romance….it was such a comfort read during a very tough week.

New Additions to AR Library

None This Week!

How Was This Past Week For You? Any Great Books you picked up? Let me know in the comments below

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  1. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    It’s so good to have some comfort reads to turn to. Hopefully the antibiotics will have you feeling better quickly. Happy early birthday to you! Any plans? The Law of Moses is one of Harmon’s older ones that I never got to. I’ll be excited to see what you think of it.

  2. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader

    I had no idea about that Tennis Shoes series! Also I hope next week will be easier for you!

  3. Samantha @WLABB

    So sorry to hear it was a rough week. I hope the medication is able to knock the infection out quickly. Happy early birthday, too!

  4. Sophia Rose

    How awful to have such a painful oral infection! Glad you found your old series for some comfort and distraction.

    Feel better, Renee, and have a fab birthday!

  5. thebookdisciple

    I’m so sorry about your oral infection! That is miserable, I’m sure. Glad you found a comfort read.

    • Lover of Romance

      Oh thank you so much hun! I truly appreciate that. Oral infections are the worst pain I swear. Yeah comfort reads are really the best when you aren’t feeling well.

  6. Jan farnworth

    Well happy birthday i turn 45 on wednesday and i not agreeing that true though with my son turning 20 last week i guess it has to be ugh i hate getting old. That book series looks interesting. Hope you start to feel better soon.

    • Lover of Romance

      Thank you! Yeah I hate getting old, at least I don’t look it haha so there is always a silver lining.

  7. JoLee

    Hope you feel better soon. Happy Birthday

  8. anovelglimpse

    Yikes! Oral infections can be so serious. Hope those antibiotics kick in and bring you relief.
    I enjoyed The Law of Moses, but loved the second book about David even more.


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