I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Weekly Recap (Week 12)

by | Mar 17, 2024 | Sunday Post | 6 comments

This was a pretty solid week. It went by WAY too quickly. I have been experiencing a oral infection this past week so I haven’t been able to focus on books as much as I would like. But I did get some really good books read though. But finally got my taxes done. There was some romancelandia drama this past week with a narrator, but until all the facts and evidence come out, I am reserving judgment. Work was pretty busy this past week so wasn’t able to listen to any audiobooks much but despite that I still read some good amount of books.

(All links to the reviews will guide you to my Goodreads Reviews)

Book Listened-Love With Me by Kristen Proby —Rating 3 Stars—For the most part I liked this one, however, the heroine I struggled with in how she treated the hero at times. She was a bit demeaning in some ways and it was a friends to lovers and he was so great with her.

Book Read-Alpha and Omega by Patricia Briggs—Rating 5 Stars—ABSOLUTELY loved this novella. I decided to read this series in order from the author’s website and wow I wasn’t expecting all the good romance and chemistry. I couldn’t put this one down. Absolutely love Charles and Anna.

Book Read-Once Upon a Midnight’s Kiss by Elisa Braden—Rating 5 Stars—What a great finish to a fabulous series. I just adored the bantering and possessive protective hero and the mutual pining that these both had for each other.

Book Read-Vacancy by Linda Kage—Rating 5 Stars—Linda Kage knocked her first paranormal book out of the park. This was basically a mix of contemporary with some supernatural elements. the premise was hilarious and loved the group of Seven that this new series is based on.

Book Read-Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs—Rating 5 Stars—Cry Wolf was such fun to read. The plot kept me at the edge of my seat and seeing Charlie and Anna really develop their bond stronger was fantastic. I can’t wait to see more of this world.

Book Listened-Destructive King by Rachel Van Dyken—Rating 4 Stars—This was a hilarious over the top mafia romance. This is not a book to take seriously and the narration really brought out certain elements of the book just right. Very outrageous at times but had me laughing all the way through. I just love the crazy tortured hero with the sweet girl.

Bookish Posts to Look Forward To

Best Winter Reads 2023-2024

Book Release Post

Fast Five- Science Fiction Romance

Current Reads

My Audiobook for the week is going to be Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites I read these books when I was a teenager but lately have been wanting to revisit. Its basically two boys that go back in time to scripture days and have some fun adventures. (the series does have some fabulous romance too 🙂 Credence by Penelope Douglas is a fabulous read so far, really intrigued to read my first love “square”. This book is pretty divisive. But I am curious to see if the love is deserved for it. I have a new release on my kindle with the Catharina Maura with The Secret Fiancee. I haven’t seen much for this one here though, so will go blind into it. BlackWolfe is a part of the De Wolfe series, I just love a good historical. I will be doing a reread of The Gamble and very eager for it. I am thinking of starting to include my Non Fiction reads in my weekly recaps…..if you want me to include those LET ME KNOW!!!

Book Releases I am Excited For

Nothing This Week!

My Weekly TBR

My weekly TBR consists of what I term a “Flexible TBR” basically means I try to read this TBR every week, but sometimes I will also pick up some random books that just sound good at the time. But I will endear to stick with my TBR as its carefully picked. This week I am working on Romanceopoly reads.

Favorite Book of the Week

What a great book! I loved these two together and what great plot and world-building. And the romance was delightful. And the way this author writes her heroines, just works so well. Yay for a non over the top …..really normal heroine.

New Additions to AR Library

None This Week!

How Was This Past Week For You? Any Great Books you picked up? Let me know in the comments below

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  1. Samantha @WLABB

    I hope you are on the mend. Oral infections are no joke. I saw a bit about that narrator. I don’t exactly know the whole story, but I saw someone talking about returning the audiobooks and whatnot. Everyone is always mad about something.

  2. anovelglimpse

    I read Credence. I can’t remember it well, but I know it left an impression. I hope you continue to enjoy it.

  3. Natalie @ The Biblioholic

    Looks like I’m gonna have to give Briggs a chance, huh? Thanks for the rec 🙂

    • Lover of Romance

      You haven’t read her yet??? YES read her! Trust me I put her off for far too long and really regretting it haha

  4. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    Sorry to hear about the infection. I hope that has cleared up. I know that Credence has its detractors, but I was completely invested. I was riveted as the story unfolded and even though the ending was not what/who I expected, I wasn’t unhappy with it. I still think about about even now.

    • Lover of Romance

      Yeah its just starting now to clear up so its been pretty bad this past week. I have barely been able to concentrate on anything. But its finally getting better so hopefully I can get back to normal routine soon. I just started Credence and I am enjoying it.


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