I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Sunday Post (2) Back To Work

by | May 24, 2015 | Sunday Post | 14 comments

Sunday Post

Sunday Post is a meme that is hosted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer. Its a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is comingphoto-1 up on our blog for the week ahead. If you want to join up and see the rules for this lovely meme just click here

So this past week I got some things done both in my personal life and the blog life. Sometimes they do feel like two different lives though. So I returned back to work, and as great as it was to take a week off…I sure did miss working and getting back in the groove of things. I started working out with my pilates from blogilates.com….and man was it good to get back to that. I surely have missed my fix of Cassey Ho, I have been with her for three years and she is definitely motivating. And a plus is all her videos are free through you tube…so she is amazing, and I realized this past week that even though my family and some friends don’t approve of the career I am going into, I don’t care anymore what they choose to think of my life plan. I feel a kinship to this fine lady because her parents thought the same thing of being a fitness instructor (they told her she would fail and crash and burn)…and now she has her own fitness line and does fitness tours and is in magazines and on talk shows.  I have learned much from her, mostly is to not give up on what you want from your life…I live in Utah and I have felt in a rut…like I am going no where and just living a life that is average and recently I 1a25discovered that being a Wedding Planner is what I want to do, and I won’t let anything or anyone stand in the way…despite how scary it is, because I will have to move probably to Texas or back east somewhere, and boy does that terrify me but at the same time I am SUPER excited to go somewhere new, meet new people, and try making a good life for myself. So  my plan as far as workouts is do try to do it 4-6 times a week and I have a plan to eat more healthy too…focusing on more veggies and fruits and less on the junk food in fact I am thinking of cutting sweets completely out unless its homemade desserts. I have been doing weight watchers on and off for over a year…but I want to be more diligent, because last year before the holidays I lost all the weight I had gained since working in the food industry, but then regained it when I let it slide during the holidays so I am trying to slim down and my goal is to get more fit and toned. I feel as if this is completely right for me. Now for the blog, well I have completely my Paranormal Romance recommendation page…WHOHOOO!!! And caught up on my reviews and readings, and been making a effort to be more active on Goodreads, Booklikes and Twitter. But its still a work in progress and still trying to get a organized schedule for them all.

Last Week On The Blog

Stacking The Shelves 

Book Review-The Fireman Who Loved Me by Jennifer Bernard

Feature Follow-Reviews I Write

Book Review-Beyond The Cut-Sarah Castille

Throwback Thursday–Outlaw and the Lady

Book Review-When Darkness Comes by Alexandra Ivy

Book Review-Trouble With Honor by Julia London

Book Review-Dearest Rogue by Elizabeth Hoyt

Book Review-Sultry Groove by Eden Summers

Top Ten Tuesday 

Quote Tastic

Latest Arrivals

With Every HeartbeatHot For FiremanBound By SongEmbrace The DarknessBetween The Devil and Ian Eversea81oP1oX-j-L._SL1500_

This Week On The Blog

Quote Tastic

Top Ten Tuesday

Review-Mate Bond

Review-Good Rogue Is Hard To Find

Around The Blogosphere

RT Convention from Smart Bitches and Trashy Books

Outlander Episode 15–Wentworth Prison

Podcast of Interview with Caroline Linden: Sex and History and Romance

Love Outlander try Nora Roberts MacGregors Article

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  1. Elizabeth

    Always go for your dreams, if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing what kind of a life will you have. I just wonder why you have to move to be a wedding planner. If there’s no established businesses in your area where you could learn more, it might mean there’s a niche you could fill.

    • Loverofromance

      Yes I feel the same way. Well I want to build a career, and where I live 90% plan their own weddings and have zero interest in hiring a wedding planner, and its just the culture of the area. I grew up here, so I know the type of people I would be dealing with and I did research into it to see if it would be practical, and it just didn’t seem to be the best way to go for me. And I think I always knew I would have to move if I were to decide to do this. And maybe someday I will return. But when I first start out I want to learn as much as possible from those that are experts and know everything about the business. And it won’t be a bad thing to explore and live in other places and have a bit of adventure.

  2. wickedlydeliciousbookblog

    That is awesome you are determined and let no one get in your way of your dreams.

    • Loverofromance

      Thank you!!! I am pretty excited about it.

  3. fangswandsfairy(alt)

    I think being a wedding planner is brilliant. You get to help people to have one of the most important days in their lives be the best day possible. It is great that you are on a fitness and healthy eating path, because it is such a people oriented field and you will want to be well-styled to put your best face on for the public. You will want to be organized and well put together as a representation of the product you will be offering.
    I also like Jen Bernard and reviewed her new book this past week. My post: FW&FD All About the Yard

    • Loverofromance

      Yes…it is pretty exciting for me. I really love that its a “happy” career. Jen Bernard is a fun author and what I have read from her so far has been quite entertaining.

  4. katarguelles

    It’s great that you have found something you love. I keep telling my daughters to do something that makes them happy and not worry about what other people want you to do. I think Cassey is great! I love her workouts!!

    Good luck in your career and have a great week!!

    • Loverofromance

      Yay for Cassey….she is quite fun and upbeat…I love her enthusiasm and she keeps me so motivated…more than anyone else.

  5. Bea @Bea's Book Nook

    Congrats on following your dream and all the changes you are making.It’ll be a lot of work but it sounds as if you’ll be much happier.

  6. Lola

    It’s hard when your parents and/or some of your don’t approve of your career choice, I had that issue as well with my job and while my mom sort of approves of it now, sometimes I still feel like he would prefer it if i did something with my psychology study and get a good paying stable job. But I think it’s important to do something you love and I think it will pay off eventually and then all those people who doubted your choice will see that they where wrong. I hope you have a rgeat week and good luck with your career!

  7. Alyssa Susanna (The Eater of Books!)

    It’s a lot to balance, no? I hope you have a smooth transition back to work! I love Julie Anne Long’s books – her most recent published novel was aaaamazing 😀 I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fantastic week 🙂

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  8. anna@herding cats & burning soup

    It’s hard when not everyone supports your new goals but sounds like you have a great attitude and I’m sure you’ll do fabulously!

    I’ve seen her videos mentioned before. I need to give them a look-see I think 😀

  9. Sophia Rose

    Congratulations on not just getting a few things done, but also making such a big decision. It’s scary, I’m sure, but wow, being true to your own skills and talents means a lot.
    Those are great health and nutrition goals too. Seeing your plan encourages me with my own.

    Enjoy your week!

  10. jenniferbielman

    I need to get my hands on the Fifty Shades of Grey DVD, so excited.


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