I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Recommend It: Unrequited Love

by | May 6, 2023 | Recommend It | 4 comments

This is a new feature I want to try to do on a more consistent basis, I have actually received such great feedback for this weekly post, so I will be doing this weekly. I am so excited as I always have such great recommendations as I read all over the genre and my hope is that I can share recs that are for all the sub genres if I can! The “Recommend It” feature, is where I will recommend romances based on a certain theme, trope or character type. If you have a trope or theme or character type you want me to put at the top of my list, I have a form that I have created that will just automatically upload into my spreadsheet and I will put it at the top of my list! I feel like as book bloggers, reviewers, readers, we all have great lists to share and this is what I hope I can do for any that want to expand their horizons in the romance genre. I am also changing how I do this a bit. I was putting some of these in Trope Tuesday for my Instagram post, but figured those who support my blog should get the recommendations FIRST! You are my team. So I will be doing this post before Trope Tuesday so that you lovelies can get these first!

So today the topic/theme/character type I am focusing on is: Unrequited Love Trope ; I will be honest in that this is one of my favorite tropes. This is the trope where either the hero or heroine is pining for the other. I really love seeing this from my protagonists.

top picks

In this one, we have the hero that pines for the heroine. There is a reason the heroine is so resistant to their relationship. And the hero has to do lots of courting and foreplay to make their relationship work. In this relationship, their wolves are one dominant and the other submissive, and each of them are the extremes of each. But I love the way our hero courts his lady.

I absolutely love this book and is one of my favorite books. I really love the way in which this author implemented this dynamic. The heroine in this one pines for the hero though. They are best friends but she has always wanted more. I love the way this story was developed, a true gem from Linda Kage

In this one we have friends to lovers aspect, but where the hero is pining for the heroine. He has been in love with her for years. But when their sexual interests align, their friendship turns into something deeper and this one is so sweet and endearing! Loved every aspect.

This book was everything. And it probably one of my more favorite reads from this author. The hero is the one that pines in this one. He is so solid and steady. Love how faith in the heroine, she takes her time but comes through in the right time.

The heroine Toni is the one pining for the hero. I really loved this one. Kerrelyn Sparks writes some of the best unrequited love. And if you love Christmas themes, this is sassy and sexy and fun. And plus it has a gorgeous stepback cover.

Anyone who has read this book probably knows why I have picked this one up here. I absolutely love this one and is probably one of my favorite Sarina Bowen books. And the PINING in this book is brilliant and so perfectly done! Loved every moment.

This felt like a mutual pining type of story and of course its Kristen Ashley, so you know it will deliver on all fronts. I absolutely loved this book and is one I highly recommend especially if you like some suspense and a small town feel to the story.

The hero pines in this one in the worst way! I absolutely loved the way he goes all in for the heroine. She is so resistant and its entertaining. I absolutely loved this one and Kathryn Smith is so lovely to read.

This book!!! IS FANTASTIC!! haha Basically the hero and heroine have each been pining for each other, but in this one the heroine much more than the hero. BUT the hero is the president and doesn’t feel its appropriate, so the heroine has a battle on her hands but oh its so satisfying when they get together fully!

The heroine is the one that pines in this one. The hero is a bit of a scarred hero and a grump and doesn’t like people. Great dynamic in this one and such an engaging historical!

This is a friends to lovers romance but where the heroine pines for the hero and has since she was a child. And there is some letter writing between them.

This is one of the most heartbreaking unrequited love romances I have read. The way that hero pines for the heroine is so endearing. Just love how devoted he is to her, just so precious. Highly recommend!

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  1. Sam@WLABB

    This is such a great trope! The pining and longing. I loved Brooklynaire. Nate was great


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