I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.



Tea and Biscuits Book Discussions: Winter Releases

Welcome to the feature “Tea and Biscuits Book Discussions” where every monday we get together to talk about issues in the bookish community and our love of books and romance.……

Lusting For Covers (332) In The Corsair’s Bed

Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers. This meme is hosted by TBQ @…

Book Review-The Amorous Education of Celia Seaton by Miranda Neville

I acquired this book, the third installment, from the library. Now I was a bit apprehensive about reading this since the past two books were enjoyable but didn’t exactly have…

Throwback Thursday HR Edition: Dance of Seduction

This meme was once hosted at Buried Under Romance and Love Saves The World, and hasn’t been active for a while now. So I decided since I have a fierce…

Tea and Biscuits Book Discussions: Holiday Romances

Welcome everyone to another Tea and Biscuits Book Discussions where we talk anything dealing with books, reading, blogging and more!! This discussion was inspired by a twitter chat that was…

Lusting For Covers (331)

Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers. This meme is hosted by TBQ @…

Book Review-Beauty and the Wolf by Marina Myles

When I went on Netgalley to get this copy, I was really excited, because the synopsis sounds way good, and I had heard good things about it. This is the…

Tea and Biscuits Book Discussion Sensual Spooky Reads Pt 5

So ITS October and so for this month I will be doing some special features of some spooky reads and so for today we will be talking about my picks…

Lusting For Covers (330)

Lusting for Covers is a weekly meme, held on Sunday, that allows bloggers to share their current cover obsession with fellow book lovers. This meme is hosted by TBQ @…

Book Review-His To Defend by Rhenna Morgan

His To Defend is the FIRST book in this author’s newest series “NOLA Knights” and I can’t tell you how excited I was to learn that this author was starting…

Book Love (171) Virtual Desire

Book Love is where we focus on those lovely books that are highly underrated that need a shout out of love!! These are all books that have under 1,000 ratings.…

Double The Romance Book Reviews-Black Sheep and White Knight by Meghan March

Black Sheep is the first book in this duo series by this talented author. Now I will say this about this author and why I waited so long on this…