I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Authors I Am Letting Go Of

by | Nov 7, 2022 | Tea and Biscuits Discussions | 11 comments

So today I want to talk about a theme that we normally don’t see too often, and normally, I tried to stay more positive but I would like to share some authors that I don’t plan on reading in the future. I think it’s important to have these types of conversations though as readers, book reviewers, and bloggers. Because sometimes authors just don’t work for some of us, and there is a change of writing style, I hate letting go of authors, but sometimes we do what is needed Now this isn’t to bash authors in any way, I think it to showcase that sometimes authors don’t work for us as our tastes change over the years. For example, when I first started reading romance, it was historical everything and I adored the bodice rippers. But today, I can’t read those books anymore due to the style that they were written. My reading taste has grown over the years and there are some authors I used to love but for certain reasons just have taken off of my list. Now some of these authors there are certain circumstances that just turn me off from an author and where I don’t want to pick them up. But sometimes we have to be picky about the authors we pick up if we can’t enjoy what they write.

Sarah MacLean

This was an author I originally fell in love with when she came out as a debut author. But her writing style now is vastly different than how she started. If you have read her latest books, its really about enforcing a certain agenda on readers. I used to love her work, but in became evident when I had to DNF Bombshell, that the way that this author is driving her stories, just won’t work for me and I had to decide to set her aside. This was a tough one because her older books are so well-loved for me and on my top favorite lists.

Kennedy Ryan

This is an author that I have tried so many times to enjoy but alas I just don’t think that she is for me. For one she is super political in her book, which means they are practically soap box type of stories and I can never really connect with the romance. I feel like she gets so focused on enforcing an agenda, that it affects the actual story. At this point, I have read 6 of her books haha and I think at this point, she just isn’t for me. Now I know many in the community love her work, and honestly, I am truly happy about that. I just know she isn’t for me.

Katee Robert

Now, this is a maybe, but I am leaning toward not picking her up anymore. After the events that happen in “Kraken’s Sacrifice,” I just don’t know that I can keep picking her up. As she put something in that book that in my opinion should never be in a romance.

Kerrigan Byrne

I am not sure about this author, I have seen some of the posts she has done on social media that have been pretty offensive toward women of my faith in my state. She has made some remarks that are negative towards females within the LDS faith (basically we need to be fixed because our beliefs and culture are wrong and we need to be saved) and yeah I am sorry but I don’t need to be saved and there is nothing wrong with what I believe. I just think that social media and the rise of political and the built of hate have really caused this and I just can’t anymore with authors like this. As much as I love her work and yes she has written some of my all-time favorite books, I can no longer read her stuff, her actions have turned me off in a way that I don’t see myself enjoying what she writes.

Q.B Tyler

I hate doing this to an author, especially she this author lost her husband this year. I would love to support her, but her books just aren’t for me. She tends to write taboo, which is a hard no for me. I have only read a couple of her books, and it just doesn’t end up working out for me. I consider myself pretty open-minded, but she writes crosses the boundary for me.

Cynthia Eden

I have tried reading multiple books by this author and I just don’t think she is for me. I know many love her work, but I can never seem to get into her books and I have tried reading her both physically and through audio. It always saddens me when I have to give up an author that I want to love but where their writing just doesn’t jive with me.

Sophie Jordan

I am on the fence about this author, I just don’t know if I can keep reading her. In her current series, I know the first book has the heroine emotionally abusing the hero, and this is a big no for me. I am very picky with heroines, but when authors write a heroine that abuses the hero in the name of “feminism”, it just doesn’t sit okay with me.

Joanna Shupe

This is an author that I may pick up some of her older books, but her newer books I don’t plan on reading. In some of her more recent books she has had some heroines abusing the heroes, and just like with Sophie Jordan, I am not okay with that, its just not for me at all.

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  1. Sophie

    This is a very interesting post Renee because my taste changed a lot these last years and authors I loved in the past don’t do anything for me anymore either. It’s not that they became bad but just that I am looking for something else now.

  2. Ann

    I have stopped read certain authors because they just don’t pull me into their stories anymore. Or so many I’ve loved have moved over to woman’s fiction.

  3. Mary Kirkland

    Cynthia Eden is the only author on your list that I do read. But that’s the great thing about books, there’s always something for everyone. If we all liked the same thing it would be kinda boring.

  4. Sam@WLABB

    I know I have abandoned quite a few YA authors who I loved when they first came on the scene, but their books went in a direction I wasn’t enjoying. I know there is an audience for what they are writing, but I am not that audience. I loved The Me I’m Meant to Be by Jordan, but I have only read a few books by her (and YA at that).

  5. Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    Yes, my tastes have changed over the years so some of the authors I loved in the past just don’t work for me now. There is a couple of authors that everyone loves except me. Their writing just does not work for me. If you see an author being negative it can be off-putting, too. Especially if it’s in respect to your personal beliefs. Sorry to hear that, Renee. I think there’s a lot of misinformation out there. I know a few LDS members, from work and such, and I’ve always thought they were nice people.

  6. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    I do think that my tastes have changed over the years and some of the authors that I have read have also changed the way that they write. I went through a period of reading a ton of historical romance but don’t read it often anymore.

  7. Deanna (A Novel Glimpse)

    Sometimes we just have to move on from an author. I’ve read many of Kennedy Ryan’s books. I loved her Grip series. I haven’t read any of her recent releases since Queen Move I think. Not really on purpose. Sometimes her books are more emotional or angsty than I can stand. I have also read several Katee Robert’s books. I didn’t read that Kraken book, so I’m really curious as to what you’re talking about!

  8. Jen Twimom

    I don’t read any of the authors on your list, although I have read a couple in the past. I have read a few authors where I tried one book and didn’t care for it, so I didn’t try any more of their titles. I have “given up” on a few series, which in many cases is equivalent to the author. For example, I stopped reading Black Dagger Brotherhood, and since that is basically all JR Ward writes, I’ve stopped reading her. Some authors I’ve just subconsciously grown out of, like you mention, my tastes have changed.

  9. Sophia Rose

    Yeah, politics, bashing beliefs and yes, abuse of anyone when I’m just trying to read a story and relax are all reasons I’ve stopped reading a specific author. I don’t care if the character has a political ideology or belief that is different from my own- or even if I do share the belief, but don’t beat me over the head with it. LOL

    The ones that are harder to walk away from, but I will eventually is when a writing style and my reading tastes just don’t mesh. I will try again after a while just in case it was a mood, but sometimes I have to move on and accept I can’t even if the blurbs sound great.

  10. Natalie

    Oooh I love this feature! I know there are probably tons of authors I’ve given up on and never said a word lol

    I get what you’re saying about Kennedy Ryan. Her latest books have definitely not been for me and that’s okay. We’re two people and she’s got tons of fans 🙂

    Cynthia Eden is one of my faves (although I don’t love all of her books) and I think it’s hilarious she’s not someone you could really get behind. The wonders of readers, right? We’re all individuals with different thoughts, feelings and experiences. What’s good for me won’t always be good for you and vice versa and I think it’s freaking wonderful. It’s how I find new authors to fall in love with. New authors to hate lol. It’s the beautiful magic of our community!


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