I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Weekly Recap (Week 41)Corruption & Kanye out there Wildin’

by | Oct 9, 2022 | Sunday Post | 9 comments

This week has been kinda crazy in social media and the news. And we received many reveals this week but these reveals don’t surprise me. We have corrupt action of the FBI which I doubt they will be criticized for, Then we have BLM being revealed with how much money they made, and NONE of it when to the communities they said it would go to. Not surprised (as there is evidence they are a marxist group), there is a reason I never donated to them. Back in 2020, during the riots, there were conservative groups raising money to rebuild those communities who were having their homes and businesses decimated, but when you donated they used a payment system where you could track the money and where it was going and whom it was going to so I did donate to them because I could see where my money was going to and it was helping those communities. Then we had some crazy reveals from Kanye West—he never does anything light does he? Always the crazy stuff haha but he entertains so I am for it and I do agree with it. Here is the video about this HERE

This week of reading has been so interesting though. I got back into my reading vibe though! And I got to read 11 books this week and it FELT so great! especially after last week not being in the mood for anything! LOL And they were amazing reads too. I also read a new to me author that I love. Her Instagram is amazing, and she is very vocal in her views but what makes her different is she doesn’t care what ppl think of her at all or if it costs her readers. And yes if you are conservative in the book world and vocal about it, you can bet it will lose you readers and the bullies will come out in droves to cancel you. So I have been wanting to support her, and really loved it even if it was a taboo romance. Her name is Eleanor Aldrick if you are looking for a steamy taboo dark romance that is super addicting and a page-turner then I recommend her work.

Now I did have some site issues this past week, there was something going on with my pages on my site. Every time I would try to edit them, it would log me out. So my hosting cleared my cache on my servers but then it messed something up with my SSL. So I then had to get back to them to have them fix it and I lost my font for my site and I can’t remember what I was using before haha so you might see some changes until I find the original font that I was using before. What I have now is a close match though.

Bookish Posts and Books Read of Week October 2nd through October 8th

(All my books read and their reviews are on Goodreads, Storygraph and Literal Club)

Book Listened-The Warlock King by Heather Killough-Walden–4 Stars— I had a fun time with this one, even if there were some confusing plot lines and the romance was lighter. But I am so intrigued about this series and looking forward to getting back to this series as I am loving the world building.

Walker Security: Lucifer’s Trilogy Read-Rating 4 Stars–I loved all THREE of these books, and these books were so much fun! This couple I just wanted to die for these two and loved seeing them find each other again and get redeemed for each other.

Book Read-Let Me Show You by Alexandria House-4 Stars—I adored this book so much, not my favorite of the series, it was a sweet low key angst romance. What I am liking about this author, is she writes black romance but it doesn’t have any political or social agenda stuff in it. Its just about a good romance and black culture and I am loving that!

Book Read-Leopard’s Scar by Christine Feehan-4.5 Stars—I really loved this book. It did have a factor of cheating, but it was written well and it was before they were in a committed relationship so I was good with it. Lots of danger, intensity and sweet moments. I think fans of the author and this series will really enjoy this one though.

Filthy Crown by Eleanor Aldrick-Rating 4 Stars—- I had so much fun with this one. The writing was super fast paced, and dealt with some challenging taboos but they were well done. I am excited to read this author more.

Book Read-Shades of Gray by Maya Banks—4 Stars—-This one was SO different than I was expecting. But I adore the badass heroine, and the romance was endearing and loved seeing the KGI team all come together for this couple.

Book Review-Devil in Dublin by BB Easton

This was a easy five star read, and if I could have rated it higher I would have. Its going to be a top read of the year! I adored it so much. If you loved “Highwayman” by Kerrigan Byrne, then this book you NEED to read!

Book Review-Wolf Bride by Elizabeth Moss

This was such an endearing Tudor era romance. I absolutely loved this book and came close to a five star read if it hadn’t been for the angst the built in the third act of the story.

Week 1 of October Releases of 2022

September 2022: Monthly Recap

Week Recap (Week 40)

Bookish Posts To Look Forward To This Week

Author Deep Dive:Jeaniene Frost

Book Release Post

Recommend it: Gothic Romance

Current Reads

My Current Audiobook is Ashwin by Kit Rocha. I have just started reading this one and I really enjoy it. I thought it was a fantasy series at first, but its romantic suspense so I am excited for it. I just started Tempting The Earl and really enjoying it here. I haven’t read historical’s too much, but I do enjoy this author so curious to see how she does self publishing HR now (Gorgeous cover right? ). Then I am going to brave “Her Soul to Take” I have been wanting to slowly explore montser themed romance, and I just hear all the good things about this one. And I figure its going to be perfect for this time of year.

Book Releases I am Excited For

Runaway Groomsman by Meghan Quinn

Orchids and Mistloetoe by Kate Bateman

A Little Too Close by Rebecca Yarros

Heartless by Elsie Silver

Flawed by Maggie Cole

My Weekly TBR

These are books that I have a rough TBR for, I normally don’t like a super strict TBR as I tend to be a mood reader, so I might get to these books but depending on my mood, I might not get to all of them. So for this week I have some fun books planned ahead here. I am planning on maybe listening to the Sarina Bowen, I have heard the narrator is super solid. I have a ARC for the Ruth Cardello and totally spaced reading it so I am going to try to get to that one this week. I have been meaning to return to the world of Maggie Cole, so going to pick up Toxic. Then we have Dignity on the radar, I have been wanting to return to the series and I was really intrigued with this pairing at the end of “Honor”

New Additions to A&R

None this week!

How Was Your First Week in October? Have You Read Any Good books this Week? Let Me Know in the Comments below!

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  1. Sam@WLABB

    I had started that Crownover series, but as with most series, I am behind. I liked Honor though, so I hope this is good for you. That Bowen book sounds great as well.

  2. Mary Kirkland

    11 books in a week? Girl, you have me beat. lol

  3. Samantha

    Oh I’m glad you liked Devil of Dublin!! I got a physical copy from her PR company and am excited to read it!

  4. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    Wow, I wish that I could read 11 books in a single week! That is awesome! I am so happy to see A Little Too Late on your tbr. I do hope that you enjoy it!

  5. Ann

    I spent the whole week pretty sick. Didn’t read at all. So happy to feel well enough to be back at it. Have a good week.

  6. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    I hope you’ll enjoy A Little Too Late. I loved Ava and Reed’s story. And Arndt and York are two of my favorite narrators so that made it even better. 🙂

  7. Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    I hate having blogging issues. Hope you got yours all sorted.

    Wow, 11 books? That’s awesome, Renee! I wish I could read 11 in one week. My Netgalley account would rejoice, lol! I’m eyeing that Sarina Bowen book. 🙂

  8. Sophia Rose

    As usual, I had no idea about the spicy bits out in social media or Kanye West. Bummer about the blogging issues, but yay for getting your reading mojo back.

    Have a good week, Renee!


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