I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Weekly Recap (Week 34)

by | Aug 21, 2022 | Sunday Post | 17 comments

Happenings of Week 34 of 2022

What a week that this one has been, and it flew by so quickly, I can’t believe how fast that this week flew by though! It was a bit of a slower week of reading this week, work was long and I had to work some double shifts as we are understaffed. But I still got some solid books read. There wasn’t much that happened this week, I got some of my bookshelves a bit more organized and I have been having fun with this new discord server that is for romance (mostly historical romance). So if you are fans of historical romance I have the link to access it below! I really love this server because everyone is so kind and its just gushing about books all day.


Bookish Posts & Books Read of Week August 14th through August 20th

(All my books read and their reviews are on Goodreads)

The Trouble with Whiskey by Melissa FosterRating-5 Stars. I absolutely adored this book! I couldn’t put it down, and it had me in my feels and delivered on the heart and emotion so well. I also adored the daredevil themes.

Reign of a King by Rina KentRating-4.5 Stars–This book won me over so quickly and Rina Kent has been a hit or miss for me so I was super thrilled that this was such a HIT. It’s been all over Instagram so I now know why and it’s a contemporary/dark romance set in England. We don’t get that setting too often in contemporary modern settings.

Rise of a Queen by Rina KentRating 4.5 Stars–This is the conclusion to “Reign of a King” and I absolutely adored it. It also had a “psychological thriller” feel to the story that I really adored and was so well balanced with the actual romance.

Love and Let Die by Lexi Blake-Rating 3.5 Stars–I really struggled with this one, it’s probably my least liked book of the series so far. My issue with this book was the heroine, I couldn’t stand how she treated the hero, and the first half was pretty slow. Although the second half of the story really redeemed the story so well.

The Bookworm’s Guide to Dating by Emma Hart–Rating 4 Stars–This was such a charming read, and I really had a fun time with this “Roommates fall in love” type of trope. These two had me laughing all over the place.

Wild Sweet Love by Beverly Jenkins-Rating 4.5 Stars—I adored this book, I thought it was so much fun and the chemistry was written so well! This was such an addictive read and so much light in some respects. The only issue I had with it was how Jenkins wrote the politics, it just felt so off to me. Like trying to make the good guy to be the bad guy haha Overall I ended up LOVING it.

Weekly Recap (Week 33) New Flooring

Top 100 Historical Romance I Recommend (Part 4)

Hiatus Book Review-Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews

Book Review-Always You by Samantha Young

Bookish Posts To Look Forward To This Week

Upcoming Autumn Romance Releases to Look Forward To

Grab It Up Tuesday–Book Releases for the Week (We got some great ones ahead)

Audio Book Review-Let Me Hold You by Alexandria House

5 Underrated Romances To Gush

Current Reads

My current Audiobook is Let Me Hold You, I can’t wait to get back to this family, and I am just loving the basketball theme and they are such a good pair together. I can’t put it down! Moon Awakening is a random pick up. I saw a friend on Instagram gush about it, its a paranormal historical with shifters and its so fascinating. Heath is another Foster that I just had to pick up its a fling based romance so we shall see how it works for me haha I am really excited to pick up the Linda Kage though, I just adore this author and its been a hot minute since I have picked her up.

Book Releases I Am Excited For

Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews

Wolf by Rebecca Zanetti

The Scoundrel Falls Hard by Sophie Jordan

Strange and Unusual by Lani Lynn Vale

Mercy by Sara Cate

My Weekly TBR

These are books that I have a rough TBR for! I am not sure if I will be in the mood for them all, but they all are different sub-genres so I do hope to get to them all if my mood works with me on this! I do think it’s good to have a loose TBR even though at times I tend to be a mood reader! I am trying to work towards going half and half so I have more balance in my reading! I gotta read Ruby Fever haha I just haven’t been in the mood for it. But I am going to try to read it Monday because I have the ARC. I have heard the new Bev Jenkins is AMAZING (and yes I used the original cover, I hate the NEW one and this cover is the only one that matters haha), so I am going to read this one this week. Mercy is coming out and I am SO stoked, this is also a female dom set up which I have only read a couple book in (from Kristen Ashley) so I am so interested to see how Sara Cate handles this set up. And I will read the next up in the Masters and Mercenaries (the last one had a bit a teaser and I gotta see what happens haha)

Favorite Book of the Week

I had so much fun with this book and it was worth every moment. This series by Samantha Young is amazing, and SO underrated. I hardly see anyone talking about it.

New Additions to A&R

Archangel’s Ressurection by Nalini Singh _I just got granted the ARC from Berkley and I just had to do a happy dance, this is one of my most anticipated releases.

After The Bite by Lynsay Sands-ARC from Avon

Royally Not Ready by Meghan Quinn

How Was Your Week in August? Have You Read Any Good books this Week? Let Me Know in the Comments below!

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  1. Carrie @ The Butterfly Reader

    I really don’t know how you read so much, work (doubles sometimes!), and still blog. Are you superwoman?

  2. Samantha, The Book Disciple

    Glad you are loving your discord server! Its nice to have a place to talk romance with other fans!

  3. Sam@WLABB

    Seems everyone is understaffed (I know they are at my company). Where is everyone working these days? That’s my question. Glad to hear you are enjoying interacting on Dischord. I tried, but I think I am too old for those social media ways. I couldn’t keep up with the comments. LOL

  4. Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    Sometimes it’s nice to have an uneventful week! I need some downtime.

    I got rejected for Ruby Fever sobs but it’s one of my most anticipated 2022 reads. I have pre-ordered the audio and a hardcopy, though. I have the approval for Archangel’s Resurrection too and I’m looking forward to it. Hope we both love it, Renee!

  5. Jenni Elyse

    I’m surprised by how fast time seems to be going by as well. I can’t believe it’s almost September. Before we know it, it’ll be Christmas. Even though it was a slow reading week, I’m glad you enjoyed what you read. I hope you have a good week.

  6. Ann Lorz

    I get having slow reading weeks. You have some good ones on your tbr pile. Happy reading!

  7. Harvee

    Wow! You are into romance. I’m reading a lot of rom coms at the moment in between more serious books.

  8. Kal @ Reader Voracious

    I’m so impressed you got so much reading in when you are so busy, TEACH ME YOUR WAYS! Honestly, I feel like every 4-8 books I get a slump and can’t read for weeks on end and I hate it.

    • Lover of Romance

      haha you are way too sweet Kal! Honestly, I just make time every day for reading, I have ZERO social life and I also incorporate audio book listening as well. And the way I keep from getting into a slump is I rotate out the sub genres of what I read. So I will read a historical, then maybe do a paranormal, then maybe a contemporary and swap in a fantasy or sci fi. It keeps the reading fresh for me. And how I keep from slumping. I actually use a random wheel app, spin that thing when I am looking for my next read and then I will go to my wishlist on GR or SToryGraph, and decided on a book I am in the mood for within that sub genre. Does that make sense? So maybe try something like that and see if that works? It has kept me from a slump all year.

      • Kal @ Reader Voracious

        I need to be better about switching between genres, I am so guilty of too much fantasy in a row. I love the idea of a spinny wheel though, thanks for the rec!

  9. Jamie @ The Fantasy Princess

    I have not heard of these books but I hope you enjoy them. Hope this week is a bit slower for you at work. Have a great week!

  10. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    I know I’ve said it before, but I always love your book photos. You put together the most gorgeous flat-lays. 😊 Looks like lots of good reading last week (with one exception). I can’t wait to see what you think of Mercy! I’m excited to start the series. Hooray for getting the Nalini Singh ARC!!

  11. Sophia Rose

    Bummer about the doubles, but I’m glad you enjoyed your books this week. I enjoyed To Catch a Raven and Ruby Fever. I need to read those Lexi Blake’s eventually.

  12. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    You had a great reading week! I loved Ruby Fever and hope you do too. The week did seem to speed by didn’t it? I hope you have a great week!

  13. Sophie

    It is amazing when you find your “tribe” like you did on the Discord server Renee!


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