I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Weekly Recap (Week 31) Pioneer Day Celebrations

by | Jul 31, 2022 | Sunday Post | 7 comments

Happenings of Week 31 of 2022

This week was such a fun week to be honest. Monday we kicked off the week with Pioneer Day celebrations, which is a Utah holiday and has high significance for our state as the Pioneers that came into Utah, were the ones to not only settle here but also cultivated the land to be what it is today. It was not nearly as pleasant in the late 1800’s. So we treat it very similarly as we do Independence Day, with parades, fireworks, balloon festivals and bbq’s. Some people will dress up as pioneers, and yeah I don’t do that, it’s way too hot haha I have no idea how the women did it back in the day. We do honor our pioneers I think more than most other states do because of how the US Government treated the “Mormons (aka Latter Day Saints)” back in the 1800’s as there was an execution order set against them and they were practically driven out of the states after thousands being murdered because their beliefs were just a little different which is why they came to Utah, to live in peace. So it’s pretty important to us, especially for us that are LDS and had ancestors that had to live through that but persevered. It’s a way to honor their memory. Well there goes the history lesson haha

As far as my reading this week, it has been pretty solid and I am slowly getting back into the HR mood and I am really loving the books that I have been picking up. And did a couple of re-reads which was really fun. But I still had a super solid week with 9 books, not quite as much as some other weeks this month, but still solid. I have been pretty busy trying to fill the two rooms in the condos where I live. But still got some good reading and a page done in my coloring book “Lost Ocean” by Johanna Basford. (Which I think Johanna Basford has the BEST coloring books haha). Don’t worry, I will be sharing my coloring results in my Monthly Recaps. And I got back into listening to the tunes of ole John Denver, I don’t listen to much music anymore since listening to more audiobooks. But yeah now I am remembering why he is my favorite music artist (and has been since I was 11) haha

Bookish Posts & Books Read of Week July 18 through July 30

(All my books read and their reviews are on Goodreads)

Book Read-Reckless in Texas by Kari Lynn Bell—I absolutely had so much fun with this book and my goodness it was so FUNNY!! I couldn’t stop laughing all the way through. The angst and built up chemistry was perfectly portrayed. You can bet I will be reading more of this author.

Book Re-Read-Lord of the Keep by Ann Lawrence-I actually did this one as a buddy re read and it was so fun to revisit the book and get back to an ole’ favorite. And happy I got a book friend to enjoy this one as the hero is divine. A lot of medieval back in the day tended to have jerk heroes a lot of the time, but in this one the hero is a pining hero and has this puppy love for the heroine from the beginning.

Book Read-At the King’s Command by Susan Wiggs—This is a tudor era historical romance and I had a blast with this one, and it was also my first Susan Wiggs and I really had so much fun with it.

Book Read-Everything She Wanted by Jennifer Ryan-This was such a delight and yay for finishing up another series by this author (I am almost all the way through her baclist, I think I just have one more series and I am complete). This was so interesting but really good. The hero is a lawyer (which is new) and the heroine’s in trouble and trying to protect a baby, and it had all the feels.

Book Re-Read-Say You Love Me by Johanna Lindsey– I got a friend to read this book as she is wanting to read more Johanna Lindsey, and I recommended this one here, I had such fun with it. Derek and Kelsey will always be one of my favorite couples ever by this author.

Book Read-Immortal Rider by Larissa Ione—I just finished this one last night and adored it haha The beginning was rough but I liked the set up of this one here and what a climax the author delivered! I am getting why these books are so well loved.

Book Read-Ruthless Saints by Michelle Heard-This was a delightful mafia romance with such a unique pair, but I love these type of match ups. With a badass alpha and the sweet shy heroine. I haven’t come across this type of pair in a long while so it was sweet and refreshing.

Audio Book Review-The Return of the Duke by Lorraine Heath

Book Review-Warsong by Elizabeth Vaughan

Week 4 of July Releases of 2022

Top 100 Historical Romances I Recommend (Part 2)

Weekly Recap (Week 30)

Current Reads

My current Audiobook is Bad For You, I have adored these books in narration, (the narrators do such a great job), my current e book is the Mary Wine. I have been wanting to explore her backlist as her highland books are so well done and I haven’t read much of this series. I always got a library e book for the Samantha Young and I can’t wait to read it. I have been adoring this romantic suspense series from her. They are just delightful. Then my next ARC will be the Jennifer Ryan, I am so excited for this one to be honest. She always writes such solid romance and can’t wait for more cowboys.

Book Releases I Am Excited For

Quarter to Midnight by Karen Rose

Mine to Hold by Natasha Madison

Blackmail by Amelia Wilde

Husband Material by Alexis Hall

My Weekly TBR

These are books that I have a rough TBR for! I am not sure if I will be in the mood for them all, but they all are different sub-genres so I do hope to get to them all if my mood works with me on this! I do think it’s good to have a loose TBR even though at times I tend to be a mood reader! I am trying to work towards going half and half so I have more balance in my reading! This past week I ignored my TBR so I am keeping some of these but some I adjusted. I was given the ARC of Dark Whisper and I am telling you, even though this isn’t coming out for a while, I need it and the cover has Doctor Zhivago vibes.

Favorite Book of the Week

If you love epic fantasy….then look no further than this series!!! Elizabeth Vaughan is a queen and her books are so UNDERRATED!! But they are amazing, so I can’t recommend them enough!

New Additions to A&R

Out of Love by Ruth Cardello-Digital eARC

Love and Let Die by Lexi Blake-Digital eBook

Duke Most Wicked by Lenora Bell- Physical ARC

How Was Your Last Week in July? Have You Read Any Good books this week? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Samantha @WLABB

    Sounds like a fun celebration. I don’t think NJ has any that are unique to our state. I sort of like that.

  2. Ann Lorz

    I’ve been doing some rereading myself. I do enjoy reading a book that I love once again.

  3. thebookdisciple

    I’m glad you had such an enjoyable week! Hope next week is just as great!

  4. Sophia Rose

    Glad you had a good time for Pioneer Days. The only non Federal holiday Michiganders get excited about is the first day of bowhunting and then rifle hunting season. 😉 I love John Denver songs.
    I really need to get busy reading more Jennifer Ryan books. I’ve got a couple on the TBR and I think I have that Kari Dell, too.

  5. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader

    Your Pioneer Day seems like a lot of fun! I would love seeing all the celebrations and parade!

  6. Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    Nice to hear you enjoyed the historical celebrations! I have Quarter to Midnight, too. I need to buy the audiobook so I can catch up. Hope you enjoy all your reads, Renee!


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