I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Updated Review Policy + Rating System 2024

by | Jan 15, 2024 | Book Reviews, Tea and Biscuits Discussions | 6 comments

Today I wanted to share the recent updates that I have made with my policies for reviewing. This is important as I have made some recent changes that are more important and want to be fully transparent. I will also be having these updates in my official policies.

Review Policy

I am no longer accepting ARC’s of any kind. Now if an author wants to send me a copy of their book, they are more than welcome to do so. However, I hae a busy reading schedule and can’t guarantee a time frame on when I will be reading those books. As new releases and TBR reading will become the primary focus of my reading schedules. There are many reasons why I have changed this.

  1. ARC’s have lost their excitement—I don’t find anything fun or intriguing about reading arc’s anymore. I have been doing it for a very long time and these days it feels more like a chore or working rather than pleasure or excitement.
  2. TBR Reading—I have thousands of books in my TBR (Check my Goodreads if you don’t believe me) and there are so many books that I want to get to that I have been seriously neglecting over the years
  3. New Release Thrills—There is a certain level of excitement that happens with new releases. And this excitement I no longer feel and haven’t for a while. I want to feel excited again. I will still be doing new releases, just be doing them in a very different way.
  4. Anxiety and Stress—I have found that there is a certain level of stress that comes with reading an ARC. One that obligation to enjoy it and if you don’t enjoy it then having to relay that into the review. I don’t like the anxiety that comes with that and really ruins the reading experience.
  5. Plans Moving Forward–I will still be reading upcoming releases, but will be doing pre orders instead. This way I am still supporting authors and I will still do reviews they will just be after the release date!

Rating System

I wanted to share my rating system, especially as I have made

a change recently to add in an extra rating. In recent years, I have been more picky in what I pick up, which also means that my quality of reading has gone up as well. I think its really important that each reader and reviewer have an established rating system. I have one that is a bit more detailed.

The way in which I rate book’s is a bit complex. I have a rating system in my spreadsheet, that was originally created by “Book Roast”. Its called CAWPILE. But I also have a rating system for the emotional/heart aspect of the book. A big part of my rating is going to be the way I react to a story on a emotional level. But I also rate books based upon a number system on the more logical portion of reading a book such as plot, world building, atmosphere, character growth.

So how do I evaluate a book. The first half of my rating will be an emotional level from a scale of 1-10 which I calculate into my spreadsheet. Then I have a 5 layer system that I judge a book based on which I have a 1-10 rating system for. 10 being the best and 1 being the worst. The factors for this are:

World Building/Atmosphere


Character Development


Writing Style

Now that I am adding in a “6-star” rating. I will have to change how I rate on sites like Amazon and Goodreads. So I used to round up half a star. But now I will be rounding down. So if its a 4.5 rating, I will rate it 4 stars

6 BLOSSOMS–Won my heart, was perfect in every way!

This is where the book made a deep impact on me. The writing has to be superb. Now this doesn’t mean its perfect writing, just that the writing I was able to connect with. There are certain factors that it needs to be a 10 on my 1-10 grading system

-Pacing (A book I can’t put down)

-Atmosphere ( I can FEEL the setting)

-Heart (the romance takes my breath away)

Conflict & HOW it is resolved (this needs to be well done)

-Ending (if its a ride off into sunset feel)

5 Blossoms—A book that melted my heart with solid writing

Excellent well written story, that keeps you entertained and turning the pages as fast as you can read them. Definitely a keeper and a re-read!

4.5 Blossoms—A solid story with good emotion but lacked an element

This is close to a 5-star, but didn’t quite get there. It still has solid emotion and has most factors of the grading system but is short on one of them

4 Blossoms-

A Genuine read, with a strong story line, and considerable description of the characters to go along with it. Not a favorite, but a story not to regret reading.

3.5 Blossoms—Had some solid aspects but was lacking some aspects

A story that while it had some solid aspects to it, had some flaws along the way with it. A story that could be improved upon.

3 Blossoms-a likeable story but could have been better

A standard written story, with average description of characters and scenes of events. Nothing to distinct or memorable, but a pleasant read. But there is still the question in one’s mind of “Shouldn’t there be something more?”

2.5 Blossoms—Had more negatives than positives but not horrid

A book that while it had some promise and had a great premise, the writing/characters just didn’t do it for me. There are way more flaws than aspects of a story that worked out.

2 Blossoms-did nothing for me except for small amount of redeeming qualities

A poor written plot and characters. Nothing much in the story seems to entice the reader for me, apart from a few scenes. There is a lot to be desired in this one!

1.5 Blossoms-almost a dnf

A poorly written story that had very little to recommend it but had enough interest to not DNF it.


This is where there were either hard red flags, the writing was boring and didn’t engage or just had toxic characters not worth the journey. Or it could also mean just not the right time to read it and might return to it at a later date

Rating System (Goodreads/Amazon)

This chart will be how I will be rounding down for sites that don’t currently have half ratings such as Goodreads/Amazon. I also keep shelves for all my ratings if you want a more specific rating in my reviews.

6 Stars= 5 Stars

5 Stars=5 Stars

4.5 Stars= 4 Stars

4 Stars=4 Stars

3.5 Stars=3 Stars

3 Stars=3 Stars

2.5 Stars=2 Stars

2 Stars=2 Stars

1.5 Stars=1 Star

DNF=1 Star

Spice/Steam Rating

I wanted to share with my full rating system, how I rating my spice. My spice rating is pretty basic. Some books will be an in between. But I don’t truly follow this too closely. If you want to know my spice rating, check my Goodreads Reviews.

Simmering (1-2 Fire) —soft warm touches and light intimacy

Warm (2-3 Fire)- a medium level of sexual tension, a balance of sexual and emotional intimacy, lighter on the details in the sexual moments.

Steamin’ up the room (3-4 Fire) -the sexual content is more explicit in the language and tone, heavier amount of sexual scenes.

Blazing fire to the building (4-5 Fire)-The prime focus is the sex scenes, scorching hot, and could burn one. Less focus on the emotional intimacy to the relationship.

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  1. Victoria Hamel

    Thanks for sharing all that goes into your review process. You take a lot of care in your work!

  2. Ann Lorz

    It’s good to make changes.

  3. Natalie @ The Biblioholic

    I hope your changes work out well for you. Especially when it comes to ARCs. They’re really stressful nowadays, huh?
    Have an amazing week!! xo

    • Lover of Romance

      Yeah I hope so too. They are also so many more restrictions on ARC’s than it used to be. And I am good with waiting on books, it builds the anticipation. I am sure authors won’t hate the money I give either in my preorders haha

  4. Sophia Rose

    Looks like a good plan and one that will make you happy in your reading life.

  5. Carole

    ARCs can definitely add some stress to what should be a fun hobby. I hope that these changes work out well for you.


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