I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Recommend It:Accidental Pregnancy

by | Apr 15, 2023 | Recommend It | 5 comments

This is a new feature I want to try to do on a more consistent basis, I have actually received such great feedback for this weekly post, so I will be doing this weekly. I am so excited as I always have such great recommendations as I read all over the genre and my hope is that I can share recs that are for all the sub genres if I can! The “Recommend It” feature, is where I will recommend romances based on a certain theme, trope or character type. If you have a trope or theme or character type you want me to put at the top of my list, I have a form that I have created that will just automatically upload into my spreadsheet and I will put it at the top of my list! I feel like as book bloggers, reviewers, readers, we all have great lists to share and this is what I hope I can do for any that want to expand their horizons in the romance genre. I am also changing how I do this a bit. I was putting some of these in Trope Tuesday for my Instagram post, but figured those who support my blog should get the recommendations FIRST! You are my team. So I will be doing this post before Trope Tuesday so that you lovelies can get these first!

top Picks

I Absolutely LOVE how the pregnancy comes about in this one, and the hero’s reaction is EPIC!!! Like the best I have ever ever read! Typical Knight. haha

This is a surprise from a fling encounter and the heroine manages to find the hero but her life is also in danger and she is having TWINS while on the run. Its intense and dramatic and kicks ass!

The heroine starts out in this one pregnant and its so endearing and beautiful. I don’t care what some say about this story, its one of the most beautiful romances I have ever read!

This story is so so precious and I just loved it so dearly. If you love Breeds by Lora Leigh, then you must read these books and I really enjoyed the Pregnancy aspect to the story.

Linda Kage is so wonderful in everything she writes and in this one the heroine starts out pregnant before she meets the hero and the way he is with her and the pregnancy is delicious!

Of course I had to include a Corinne Michaels on the list haha she definitely knows how to write wonderful accidental pregnancy scenarios.

Not the typical way the pregnancy comes out or what the heroine has to do here for her baby but EPIC!!! And only Lora Leigh can write it so so well.

You can never go wrong with some BDB and how delicious Z is with his Bella especially with his “young” oh how adorbs it is!!!

What does one do when a stuntwoman becomes pregnant with your baby? Oh it gets angsty and witty and lots of fun times!

Such a wonderful story and no one does it better than Thea Harrison. I really enjoyed the way she implemented the baby element into this one here and with plenty of laughs along the way!

Gotta deliver some Scottish loving on this list! You definitely can’t go wrong with this one or this whole series. This is also a star crossed lovers theme to the story and the way our hero loves his lady is so precious!

Give me all the love with Leigh Greenwood. In War we have a story of a hero that is a medical doctor, and a heroine that goes after the man she loves! just amazing! Love the way a pining heroine is implemented in this one.

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  1. Sam@WLABB

    I thought I would have read one this week because this is a trope I have read plenty from. Lizzie Blake’s Best Mistake popped right into my head. I really liked that one

  2. Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse

    I’m surprised I hadn’t read any of these! I’ve read so many in this trope. Some favorites of mine have been Deep by Kylie Scott, The Goal by Elle Kennedy, Awk-Weird by Avery Flynn, Trapped by Beverly Kendall, One Moment Please by Amy Daws, Bountiful by Sarina Bowen, and The Devil Gets His Due by Elizabeth O’Roark.

  3. Natalie

    These features are amazing and I’m glad you’ll be continuing to do them.
    It’s something I’d love to do, but have no idea where to start so I’m a bit envious of your bravery lol
    I’ve read a few of these books and I’m happy to see them make the cut with you.

    Can’t wait to see what trope you’ll tackle next! 💙

  4. Jamsu

    You comparing New Species to Breeds by Lora Leigh almost makes me want to give Breeds series another try. I love New Species series but I think I only read the first book from Breeds series. It’s weird how I don’t want any children myself but I do love this trope when it’s done right. I love these kind of lists.

    • Lover of Romance

      Yes! So, The Breeds happened first actually. The first book was written like 20 years ago lol I will be honest the first few books are okay. But I do know that the author recently released revised editions of those. You should try Elizabeth’s Wolf. I personally think the Breeds is way better than the New Species. Its just more polished and better world building as a series. If you want, you should try joining us in the read along if you want to! I want kids but I don’t think it will happen as I get older.


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