I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Recommend It: Colonial America

by | Apr 29, 2023 | Recommend It | 3 comments

This is a new feature I want to try to do on a more consistent basis, I have actually received such great feedback for this weekly post, so I will be doing this weekly. I am so excited as I always have such great recommendations as I read all over the genre and my hope is that I can share recs that are for all the sub genres if I can! The “Recommend It” feature, is where I will recommend romances based on a certain theme, trope or character type. If you have a trope or theme or character type you want me to put at the top of my list, I have a form that I have created that will just automatically upload into my spreadsheet and I will put it at the top of my list! I feel like as book bloggers, reviewers, readers, we all have great lists to share and this is what I hope I can do for any that want to expand their horizons in the romance genre. I am also changing how I do this a bit. I was putting some of these in Trope Tuesday for my Instagram post, but figured those who support my blog should get the recommendations FIRST! You are my team. So I will be doing this post before Trope Tuesday so that you lovelies can get these first!

This is such a unique one from this author. I love that she has some books set in America. And they were her first trad published, so if you love this author, you will find them intriguing.

If I had to choose a top pick of favorites from this era but really in historical romance or even from this author, it would be this one. Its so sweet and endearing. And yes Woodiwiss has a sweet romance. Its delectable. If you have been wanting to try this author, this is the THE book to start with.

I recently read this one and it was so so fun! Pamela Clare does really well with the historical’s that she writes. And I love how well she plays this one out here. There is everything you need for a adventurous historical romance.

this one is a bit different than I had expecting, but it was interesting and felt historically accurate for the most part. I really enjoyed the way that the romance actually plays out in this one.

Now this is LISA KLEYPAS so you just know that this one will be superb, but I have to say that its angsty haha and really this duo series of the Vallerands is really angsty but well done. I really enjoyed the way that this author played it all out.

This one was quite fun! I really enjoy the way that this author tackles different time era’s and this one was so full of adventure, history, and a unique set up that made it seem practical. If you wanting to explore this era more, I highly recommend this one here.

If you would like to give me your requests for what type of recs you would like in a recommend it post, I have a link HERE so that I can put them at the top of the line!

So what do you think of my recommendations for “foodie themed romances”? What are some of your favorites that I need to add to my TBR? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Sam@WLABB

    These are all new to me. I have not read any books set in this time period, but it’s a very interesting topic.

  2. Natalie

    I haven’t read this subgenre in a very long time. I remember when Jude Deveraux was one of my favorite authors. She did get me to fall in love with romance 🙂 Thanks for the recs, Renee! xo

  3. Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse

    I haven’t heard of any of these but maybe the Kleypas one. I don’t read much in this time frame, though. Glad you have some favorites.


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