I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Recent Romance Trends 2023

by | Nov 6, 2023 | Tea and Biscuits Discussions | 6 comments

So today I want to talk about romance book trends and the most recent ones that I have been noticing within the community. This will be trends that are both good and bad and in-between. I think its good to evaluate and see where our community is headed and what is being influenced.

The Rise of MC in Romance-I have really been noticing that MC is really making a rise within more books this year. I am actually pretty thrilled for this and seeing various levels of MC both lighter types of MC and more gritty styles which I think just works for everyone

Historical Romance Dying Out–I really hate to say this as this will always be my favorite sub genre even though I don’t read as I used to. But this year especially is the least amount of historical romance releases I have ever witnessed. What I think is happening is the rise of illustrated and bridgerton covers, and the modernism style of historicals have turned readers off. But I have started to see a rise in indie historical’s which is pretty awesome. But I am disheartened to see what publishers have done to the sub genre.

Small Towns as popular as Taylor Swift–I am not sure if y’all have noticed but small towns romances are the sweet spot of romance right now. My suspicion is that its normal. Our world is falling apart society wise, and we just crave something normal and down to earth and that is what gets delivered in a small town romance.

illustrated/alternative covers killing off romantic covers–So its either chalk like cartoon covers that my nephews could draw or its boring bloom book style like covers that are taking over and I will never be a fan. I will always be more supportive of people in covers. Give me a romantic pose any day of the week. Its almost like these young TikTok readers don’t understand they are reading sexy romance books and our covers should reflect that and I will die on this hill. I am just tired of covers that look middle grade….when our books are ADULT GRADE. Maybe get your big girl panties on LOL

Witch Hunts for Dark Romance-Recently authors that have been canceled have ironically been dark romance authors. Here is my thought on this, if you do not read the genre you don’t have a place to judge it. Dark Romance is not going to be light and fluffy and you can’t read these books expecting it not to have this type of content. Many Dark Romances writes elements in the grey and its going to be heavy and won’t be light topics. Its packed with nuance.

Too Much Spice-So this is something that we have seen more recently where books are having either way too much spice to the point where its more erotica than a romance novel, but also where types of spice don’t match the story. For example a small town romance with kink in it. Just doesn’t quite match it. This is something that if we want a change it needs to be in social media and in reviews and whereever we as reviewers have any type of influence. I don’t blame authors on this, they are just giving the community what they have been demanding. So I think its important that romance novels have plots and relationship building aspects to them. An all spice book doesn’t make a romance.

indie authors going trad pub-I will be honest in that I am not a fan of this at all. I think publishers are seeing the success and want that success that these indie authors are having ALL on their own. It also means ugly covers too. Indie contemporary authors especially do great with covers. I was really sad especially to know we will lose the pretty Catherine Cowles covers. I am happy for her, but I do think publishers are taking advantage of these authors and its happening to so many authors all at once that readers have to rush to buy the original editions before the publishers completely take it over and remove them and also means raised prices and these books leaving KU which is what many readers use.

Hockey Romance Everywhere-I am not sure why ppl are so obsessed with hockey romance lol I mean I love hockey as a sport but it actually baffles me on why this sport has become so popular. It will be interesting to see if this stays the course or if Football makes a comeback with Taylor Swift’s romance with a football player.

What are some trends that you have been seeing in the community? What do you think of the topics I have covered today? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse

    I love that indie authors are getting noticed and some are getting traditionally published. I wish the publishers would only contract them for new work and not republish older books. I am not a fan of the cover situation either. Some are great and well done and fit the book. Others are horrible.

  2. Natalie

    OMG I agree with EVERYTHING you’ve mentioned (aside from the smut. Please don’t take away my smut!!). Those illustrated covers (some are quite nice, but they’re rare) are KILLING me and I guess everyone else. I thought it would be a quick fad, but when my clinch faves are being remodeled with these cliche cartoon covers, I’m stuck wondering why. What is the appeal? Please let these covers die a quick death already!!

    This was such a fun post to read so thanks and have a great week!! XO

  3. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    Yes, way to many hockey romances and MC is my least favorite. I love historical and small-town. I also love romantic fantasy.

  4. Kristina

    I love small town romance!! However.. im team cartoon-y covers 😅 snapping people on the covers doesnt really incline me to read it.. it makes me think more of like a « grandma book »? If that makes sense.
    Maybe it’s just me not quite being over YA, and that just looks to grown up?

  5. Sam@WLABB

    I can never get enough hockey or small town romances. Keep em coming. I look at indie authors having books rereleased by traditional publishers as a win for everyone. I would think there are benefits for the author and their books can reach a wider audience.

  6. Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    I do think historicals are suffering with the modernism take the newer ones have been including. I just don’t think it fits with the time period. I don’t mind some illustrated covers, but it seems like all of them are illustrated. I hope they don’t change the Catherine Cowels covers. They’re so pretty, but yay for her getting recognized more. I totally agree with your observations on spice. Spice does not make a romance. I don’t mind it in a romance, but I don’t like it when it’s every other page. I need a story, characters to care about in order for the sex scenes to even resonate. Otherwise I just end up skimming because I don’t care. I’m not a big fan of dark romances. They kind of stress me out. I’ve read some MC romances like Kristen Ashley and Joanna Wylde, and they worked, but again, I’m not a big fan of gritty romances. Great discussion here, Renee!


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