I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


COYER Summer 2022

by | Jun 29, 2022 | COYER, Reading Challenges | 10 comments

I decided to start COYER for the summer season. I had a difficult time determining which one that I wanted to start out with. This is a challenge that I have never tried although I have been wanting to try it out. I just have never actually participated because I have never planned for it, I always seem to be so late to the game haha (I hate being late so always thought that I couldn’t participate and I am OCD so it’s like that haha) And even though I tend to be a mood reader, I am also a TBR reader. I can do both and I think most people can do both, I found a way to balance it out. So I will be doing a TBR for COYER, just a flexible one.

So if you happen to be new to COYER—-HERE is their 2022 post that introduces it really well. I really love that it’s adaptable and you can pick and choose which season I chose Summer because its highly adaptable and it’s their less strict plan in the year, as it’s much more relaxed in the books that you can choose. This challenge will go from July1-September 30th. My plan is to have a TBR but I also tend to be a mood reader so we shall see, but many of these books I have had on my kindle for quite a long while and been meaning to get to them, I am really excited for this challenge as I actually was smart and planned for it this year. If you have any tips or tricks on doing COYER, let me know! I am such a newbie. haha

The TBR-July through September-Fully Relaxed

I don’t really have a set number of books that I plan on reading, I will probably get to at least 50 (considering I read close to that lately every month) but we shall what I will be able to accomplish here. I am just going to have fun. But I am going to at least plan for at least 50 for this challenge.

So are you participating in COYER this time around? What books do you have planned for? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    I had to laugh at your comment about not participating because you were late. I’m the same way so I can totally relate to that feeling. 🙂 I hope you have some new favorites in here. Tied was a rare 5-star read for me. Loved it!

    • Lover of Romance

      Tanya, I am so OCD, it would just drive me crazy and I every year I just would forget to plan for it haha

  2. anovelglimpse

    You have some great books here! Loved Bowen’s and Chase’s. Good luck!

  3. nbiblioholic

    I’ve actually read a few of these (I hope you enjoy Shattered With You). I’ve never heard of COYER so now I’m super curious.
    GOOD LUCK!! ?

    • Lover of Romance

      Oh thank you. So yes, Natalie, this was a challenge created for book blogger quite some years ago. They do read-a-longs, and each season has different levels of challenges and the goal is to work through your kindle reads. I highly recommend you check it out. Summer is the most relaxed of the seasons.

  4. Samantha @WLABB

    I loved that Bowen series. Sharma’s series was great too, and Beauty and Baller exceeded my expectations. Hope they are all winners for you

    • Lover of Romance

      I have been wanting to try this Sharma series so badly, and the covers are just gorgeous! I am really excited for Beauty and the Baller, I hear its amazing and has such a solid summer feel.

      • Samantha @WLABB

        I am a huge fan of her YA books, but I also enjoyed her adult books. She always sets them local to where I live (I think she grew up around here)

  5. Sophia Rose

    Yay! Glad you could jump in on COYER Summer. I’m doing it, too. I do all the seasons and the community option. I find being involved in their Facebook group and at least answering the Monday question about what I planned to read and the Friday of what I did read helps to keep me on track with the challenge. But no worries if you want to stay looser than that.


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