I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


2023 Reading Stats+ 2024 Reading Goals

by | Dec 30, 2023 | End of Year Survey | 12 comments

HAPPY NEW YEAR to 2024! Can you believe that we have reached a New Year? I feel like 2023 just breezed by. I do think as I get older, the years just go by faster. This year I wanted to share my reading stats for the year. I will also be sharing my bookish goals for 2023 as well. But I wanted to share my total stats for the year in various areas and if I accomplished my goals for the year. So I will be sharing all of my charts from my spreadsheet for you.

2023 Reading Stats

Yearly Basic Totals:

Books Read: 500

Books Re Read: 41

Books Acquired: 94

Pages Read: 133,116

Average Rating: 4.2

Book Size and Format:

So for this section is the books size, format and how I acquired the book. My largest amount of books and pages read was in August with it being over 13,445 pages read. As you can see my KU reading went through the roof haha with close ties of reading books either purchased or already owned and library books. For the total year my average of pages tended to be around 350-400! As I read mostly novels which always tend to be between 300-400 I am not surprised by that. Although I was good about reading books bigger than that as well. Its no surprise that digital books comprise of my majority of reading. I am not a big fan of reading print that much.

My Longest Book Read: Family Ties (682 Pages)

Longest Audiobook: Consider Me (1260 Minutes)

Shortest Book: Beware of Maverick (24 Pages)

Shortest Audiobook: Wrapped up In You (60 Minutes)

Book Genres

I really tended to go with contemporary and dark romance as those were pretty equal. I am very impressed with focusing on more suspense this year and my historical reading was more than I expected it to be. I do want to be better about fantasy and paranormal romance though in the upcoming year.


So wow! My 5 stars were so many this year! I was really impressed with how that has been growing. Each year it gets a little higher percentage wise. I mean almost 30% of my reading were five stars. That just means my quality of reading is going up in some ways. 4 Stars are still the main rating I do most of the time, that doesn’t surprise me.

Publishers and Sources

So what I am seeing with the results for the year on this one is that I really focused on self published authors haha My trad pub reading has gone down. I am not shocked by that at all. I have been enjoying more self published works and it matches with the new releases too I have been focusing more on. I do want to be more balanced where this is concerned in 2024 but I will be honest self published authors as far as their writing, just really does so much more for me personally. So we shall see.

Books Read by Month

Well obviously the books I read the most in was August but my best listens amount were in October. My worst month of reading is December lol I just mostly do rereads in December as its the busiest month of the year for me especially with all the end of year posts I do both on here and bookstagram.

Stat Details on Books and Authors Read:


# of Authors Read: 184

Most Read Author: Ryan Michele

Debut Authors: 2

New To Me Authors: 24

For authors, I really got to so many good ones. My most read is Ryan Michele. I really just went through most of her backlisted books. Really have missed the MC gritty style.


Number of Series: 218

Standalone: 57

!st Books: 13

2nd Books: 13

3rd Books: 10

4th or Higher: 299

As you can see here, I really focused on finishing off series and reading some standalones. I didn’t start too many new series this year.


So this section is just interesting to see how much I have read. I don’t seek out diverse books, but I do stumble across it all the time without meaning to actually. Which I think raises the quality of reading, at least for me personally. I do like to track it in my spreadsheet though just to see where its at. So for this year I read 201 diverse books and so my total percentage is 41%. That is REALLY good. I didn’t even do that much when I was focusing on reading diverse books a few years ago. So I do love just reading a more balanced reading because you do run into diverse books all the time.


So the numbers I have is what I got for the genres that I read. There are some that I need to focus more on. But I was pretty good about some of the others.

Contemporary: 101

Dark Romance: 101

Historical: 74

PNR: 55

Romantic Suspense: 41

Mythological Fantasy: 13

Romantic Comedy: 13

Urban Fantasy: 2

Inspirational: 5

Sci Fi: 24

So as you can see here my focus was really contemporary and dark romance. I was disappointed by the fantasy numbers and want to read more fantasy in 2024.

2024 Reading Goals

I am so ready for the NEW YEAR1 I can’t tell you all how ready I am for it. It has been a long year in 2023 and this last week I swear is the worst week of the year because you just want to start up the new year right? I am not sure if you all do anything for New Years. I really just relax on New Years Eve, do some reading to get a ahead for the New Year but do a nice meal of chicken and dumplings and then toast to the new year with Sparkling Cider/Juice. Not sure if you all know what that is haha Its a non alcoholic beverage that is probably the closest us Mormons get to drinking champagne. Its basically juice or apple cider mixed with some bubbles. The brand we use and is probably in your nearby store is called Martinellis. And its super delicious. At least with a Martinelli I will remember everything haha

My Goals for the Year:

Read More Books!!!! –I still can’t believe how much I was able to read in 2023 and so for 2024 I want to aim even higher. I know I know I am crazy lol but I haven’t read 600 books since before blogging. So I am curious if I can do it. I did get to 500 pretty easily this year so I do want to stretch myself. Its about 50 books a month, and I did close to that almost every month so I do think its possible.

Reading Challenges: So I am not going crazy on reading challenges if I am being honest. I am really just going to focus on the Storygraph ones and Romanceopoly and my Goodreads challenge. Technically Romanceopoly is only through Storygraph. Not sure what happened to their site but half of it is down. But they did update the challenge for Storygraph with new descriptions of prompts so that is interesting. And if you need a link to the Notion tracker, let me know and I can send you the template for it! Its really great if you want to digitally play. And if you want a copy of the PDF of the board and cards I have that saved (thank goodness) I am actually thinking of getting it into a real game board. Since I love doing it so much. There are companies that will create game boards and things with whatever you want for it. So that is really cool.

Buddy Reads: I was able to do quite a few buddy reads this year and would like to do it again in 2024. Its so fun reading a book with someone and seeing different perspectives on it.

Series: Focus on finishing off more series. I really was great about that this year and would like to be even better this year. I will be rotating out my reading every week to be a bit more balanced.

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  1. Rachel @Waves of Fiction

    Wow 500 book?!! You killed all your goals and such an in depth analysis!

  2. Samantha @WLABB

    Wow! Your stats are unreal. Congratulations on reaching your goals and good luck for next year

    • Lover of Romance

      HAHA I know right? Its been a crazy year! But a great year of reading. One of the BEST I have ever had.

  3. Kristina

    Wow so many books! While I do enjoy ebooks as it’s easier to read in the middle of the night, I also love me some physical books!

    Goodluck for you 2024 goals 🥰

    • Lover of Romance

      I prefer to read for the first time in kindle, and then for reread I prefer physical books. I just think now kindle reading is just so much easier and flows better, just me personally. But I do love having some pretty books on the shelves. Appreciate you stopping by.

  4. Natalie @ The Biblioholic

    500 books?! And you wanna raise it to 600?! I can’t wait to see what books you’ll choose 🙂

    • Lover of Romance

      haha yeah I figure if I can do 500…I can certainly do 600. It will take some work and dedicated but I just want to see if I can do it just once ya know? I haven’t been able to read this much since before running a blog a decade ago.

  5. anovelglimpse

    Good luck on your 2024 goals! They seem lofty, but I’m sure you can do it!

    • Lover of Romance

      Thank you darling! Yeah its a bit lofty haha but I do think its manageable and I am curious if I can do it. I never thought I could do 500 and I did that lol

  6. Sophia Rose

    Super job hitting your goals this year and with all that you did besides just review. I love seeing your stats and how your reader habits turned out for this year. Cheering you on for 600 in 2024. Thanks for sharing that you spotted the new Romanceopoly on Storygraph. I was wondering what happened to it. Seemed to go radio silent about halfway through the year. I’ve got an account so I can join up there if they never get their site up and running. I like the Martinelli’s sparkling cider, too.

    Have a happy new year, Renee!

    • Lover of Romance

      aww Thank you Sophia! That means the world to me. Yeah my reading stats and habits have definitely changed and evolved but in good ways. I am at the height of my reading pleasure and its amazing. Yes so if you need the link to the Notion template I could probably send it to you if you need that as well. I will probably get new cards printed and just canva them if we don’t get anything from the ladies on it, I mean they updated the Storygraph with new prompt descriptions for the squares. I did hear somewhere that they were undergoing a big project. But this is honestly my favorite reading challenge and I think I would just keep up with it. Its super fun isn’t it? And I mean they have a few hundred participants so many really love it. So I would check it out on Storygraph, some of the new prompts are kinda cool. But some I am keeping from last year.

      Happy New Year Darling to you and your family! Thinking of you. XOXO

  7. Kal @ Reader Voracious

    FIVE HUNDRED BOOKS, that is amazing!!! I hope to be able to put my reading habit more forward this year and get more reads in, this is inspiring haha.
    Also love to see that you enjoyed so many of your books – more than half of your pie chart is 4-star and up!

    Good luck with your reading goals this year!


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