I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


At A Glance: The Best of the Beginning of 2018

by | Feb 3, 2018 | At A Glance | 7 comments


Welcome everyone to 2018!!! I hope you all had a great new years and celebrated with your loved ones!! I have adored this month in January and I have been so lucky  that I had such a great start to the new year. I have started a new eating healtyand being fit regime. I am back to the program that I used before with Kayla Itsines and the BBG program. I love that this program WORKS, and I know it does because I have used it before and loved it. It is challenges and hard but I like that these workouts are short. I would love to meet Kayla and her fiancee, because they have overcome so much together and are such a force of nature in inspiration to others. So I do have a ton of respect for this “power” couple. And their workouts and recipes are so fun. And I have been having a blast getting back to working out again and eating healthy. Its not easy getting back into it, but I keep working hard and I am already feeling stronger and happier already.

I have been devoting this month to my blog and trying out new things with my new theme. Its not that much different from the theme I had before, but I like that I can do more with my landing page and I have been focusing more on my “Happy Ever After” book database. I am really wanting to finish it by the summer, and so I have been cutting back on social media a bit. I am trying to comment back on those that stop by but I am not spending hours every day commenting, because I am working on getting my projects for the site finished.

This has been a wonderful month of reading and ironically I have fallen behind on my books needing to be reviewed…CRAZY….that hardly ever happens. But I have been on such a reading frenzy this month.

As many of you know, I am not participating in many challenges. I want to relax more with reading and do more “mood” reading. Focusing on my TBR a bit more and cutting back on ARC’s even. Which will be such a challenge but I am focused on reading for FUN and what I WANT to read and not what I NEED to read. Even my goodreads challenge I haven’t set a amount of books but already I have read more than I normally do in a whole month.

Goodreads Challenge-31 books so far!! I am on a roll for sure. And I have read so many goodies this month.

Oldie but a Goodie Challenge-none yet but I have a few planned for in February.

Out Of This World Challenge-I have rediscovered my love for science fiction romance. I have read 3 books in this genre for this month.


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  1. Blodeuedd

    Good luck and you can do it 🙂

  2. Beware Of The Reader

    I just fell from my seat seeing how many books you have read this month!!!!

  3. The Book Disciple

    You had so many amazing reads this month!! Holy Moly!!

  4. Wickedly Delicious

    Happy your are being healthy. You had a great reading month. As always your blog is amazing.

  5. Sophia Rose

    I think it always helps to really believe in the health regime you’ve chosen. Way to go for getting back to healthy!

    Love seeing that all your books reviewed were over average reads and yay for how much reading you’re doing and feeling enthusiastic about your blog’s new features. Cheering you on for your challenges.

    Have a fab February, Renee!

  6. Astrid

    Whoa, no surprise you fell behind with reviews lol
    Awesome book list though and I love your top picks. Need to read the Katee Robert one soon!

  7. Rowena

    Hey you! I hope that you get your projects done because I’d love to see them. The hard work will definitely pay off, I just know it. Good luck on your health and fitness program. You’ll rock it out, I’m sure.

    You’ve read 31 books already? Go you!!!


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