I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.



Sunday Post

Weekly Recap (Week 16) Movie, Oral Pain and Recovery

Weekly Recap (Week 16) Movie, Oral Pain and Recovery

So this week was just great because I still have an oral infection although its improving. There is just multiple work I need done before its cleared out completely. My oral surgeon believes I probably have had this infection for quite a long time which is why its...

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Weekly Recap (Week 15) Oral Pain Delights

Weekly Recap (Week 15) Oral Pain Delights

This post is coming out SO late. haha But I have really been wanting to get back to blogging here. So I know some of you are aware I had a oral infection a few weeks ago, well one side of my mouth is great now, but then it happened on the other side and literally the...

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Weekly Recap (Week 14) Holy Week + Happy Easter

Weekly Recap (Week 14) Holy Week + Happy Easter

First off wishing you all a very Happy Easter!! I hope you all have a great day in the celebration of this beautiful day! This past week was actually pretty solid. My mouth is feeling so much more relief and getting back into reading and getting more balance in my...

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Weekly Recap (Week 12)

Weekly Recap (Week 12)

This was a pretty solid week. It went by WAY too quickly. I have been experiencing a oral infection this past week so I haven't been able to focus on books as much as I would like. But I did get some really good books read though. But finally got my taxes done. There...

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Weekly Recap (Week 11) Spring Ahead

Weekly Recap (Week 11) Spring Ahead

I am very excited that we have entered into the month of March. Its so fabulous. Its also my birthday month, so I just love this month. I also love way that we slowly get some warm weather intermittently. It just delivers the best spring vibes and I can't wait until...

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