I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.


Sunday Post (48) Thanksgiving and Festive Plans

by | Nov 21, 2021 | Sunday Post | 14 comments

Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.  See rules here: Sunday Post Meme 


This has been such an interesting week and did get some good books to be read. This past week is my second week at work and it’s definitely much better than last week. It’s still overwhelming at times, but each day it does get better. I am getting more comfortable with it and there is some downtime at times and time in between calls where I am doing busy computer work so I think I going to be able to bring audiobooks to work. I see co-workers with headphones in one ear all the time so going to see this work if that work is possible to do. I am avoiding some social media this past week and not really paying attention to the “Stories” section on Instagram, because the news cycle has been crazy this weekend and has become very hateful. I really just want fun bookish content, I hate how politics are running our lives. I know what sources to go to or people I can talk politics with if I want to, but bookstagram is NOT the place for it for me.

Now as far as blogging, it hasn’t been a bad week in getting work done. I did get a bit behind on book reviews on Friday haha I read some great books here. Melissa Foster really ran my weekend, I just can’t get enough of her style especially her “Peaceful Harbor” setting books. And we did get the Goodreads Choice Awards released this past Monday and *sigh* it’s even worse this year than normal. Because there are no write-ins. And the romance section is the worse of them all. (I did hear that the Fantasy was actually decent) but in the romance, it’s pretty much ALL illustrated covers and NO mass markets. Sometimes with write in’s though, you can get a few mass markets sneaked in like a Lisa Kleypas or even a PNR. It’s just not reflective of the genre at all. I do think that the audience for the books with illustrated covers is much broader but even these books that are more women’s fic or chick lit or YA still get lumped in the romance section. There are some that make sense like “Love Hypothesis” and “Neon Gods” These two have been all over the romance community. So those do make sense. But we need more mass-market like books. But there are some other awards out there that will reflect that more. For example, there are the “Swoon Awards”  and as well on this site I will be posting my “Awards” post soon here. So if you are a romance reader especially I would check these out as they are more representative of the genre as a whole.

Last Week On The Blog

This Week On The Blog

Tea and Biscuits Book Discussions: My Holiday/Christmas TBR

Book Review-Annihilation Road by Christine Feehan

Book Review-The Duke Effect by Sophie Jordan

Grab It Up: Book Releases for Week of  November 21 2021

Currently Reading

I recently got this ARC a few weeks ago, so I am really excited to see a new series from this author. I just adore how she writes romantic suspense, she does it so well.

Currently Listening

I have been apprehensive about this book because in the series I really haven’t liked this heroine at all. But I have heard she becomes very likeable in this one here….and my weakness is clinch covers amongst the silk bed sheets haha

Up Next Reading

I am really excited for many of these. And they are all a mix, a couple from my personal library TBR, and then some library books and a ARC. I do like to balance things out in romance and go from various subgenres. The one I am the most nervous about is Savage Road because this will feature a more intense relationship focusing on sadism. So even though I loved part one, it should be interesting to see how Feehan handles this one here.

New Additions at Addicted To Romance

I was able to grab up so many goodies here! A couple were ARC’s I literally just received yesterday and then the others were some library reads.

Around The Blogosphere

Tis The Season For A Holiday Romance 

Ho Ho Ho Read A Thon 

Top 10 Christmas Ideas for a Bookworm

Favorite Booktube Video of the Week

I thought I would share this one. I just love the vibe that this booktuber has and her TREE (it gets me so excited for Christmas time) But she has a couple of other book tubers are hosting this holiday reading challenge and it’s more generic so it can work with any genre you read. I have a couple I am doing, now the good thing about many of these type of more generic challenges, is I can just read what suits my fancy and it will normally fit the categories haha

And if you love challenges there is a Bookstagram seasonal challenge that one of my favorite booktubers actually does. I participated in her “Fall In Love” challenge and it was so much fun. So I am eager to start her Winter’s Kiss. This goes from December 1-February 28. She has the most adorable of templates and she does give book ideas for each prompt. (Keep in mind I believe she only reads contemporary romance, so if you like other genres a bit more those might not work for you. But she does so much for the community and love supporting her.

Lusting For Covers

Now I KNOW its not a clinch cover….but as this week is Thanksgiving, I thought I would do the due diligence and share a cover that is more Thanksgiving feel to it. This just gives off all the Autumn and pumpkin spice vibes.

Stepback Sunday

I absolutely adore this stepback and it just has all the autumn/fall love and is so festive feeling. So had to share it for this week!

So how was your week? Anything fun planned for Thanksgiving? Any good reads that have been stellar for you recently? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Sophie

    I totally agree with you on the Goodreads Award!!! And I went to post my favorites on the Swoon Awards today 🙂

    • Lover of Romance

      NICE!!! I will be doing that today, heading over there. I did love the outcome of their awards last year…. represent the genre much more!

  2. Rachel

    I just went back and updated my Sunday Post to include how annoyed I am with the Goodreads Choice Awards this year, too! I forgot to add that when I was throwing together my post last-minute (as usual, lol). I don’t watch many stories on Instagram. I usually scroll through the posts instead. Glad to hear you’re settling into your new job more! I’m listening to a Lyndsey Sands right now and loving it. Hope you enjoy Immortal Rising. I need to check out that RaeAnne Thayne. 🙂

    • Lover of Romance

      hahaha yeah well it happened like a week ago but yeah I hate the algorithms that GR uses for the awards. It’s literally all except one illustrated, and romance is so much more than those. So yeah I do think they should add more categories like chick lit and women’s fiction and then maybe it would be more representative to the genre maybe? oooh YAY for Lynsay Sands.

    • Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

      Being able to listen to audiobooks at work would be a wonderful perk.
      Silk sheets look good but personally I find them uncomfortable 😉

      Wishing you a great reading week and a happy thanksgiving

  3. Samantha

    I was glad to see Neon Gods and The Love Hypothesis on the list at least. They were both GREAT! But overall, it was another underwhelming year, even in other categories.
    Glad the job is going well!

    • Lover of Romance

      Yes I definitely think those two should be on the list, they have been sweeping the romance community like a storm. It would be nice if they had better options like what Swoon Awards has right?

  4. Greg

    Ooh I haven’t checked out the GR awards yet but ugh that does sound like a problem. I need to check that out…

    Love that cover for You Can Run. and Bakeshop as well.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  5. Jen

    I thought of you when I read the GR awards. There are two books on the list that made my top 10 of the year. But no historicals and no mass markets… it’s really not a great reflection of the genre. Romance is so huge, I wish they would break it up a bit and not have just one romance category.

    Glad your work was a bit better last week. Do you get time off at Thanksgiving?

  6. Jamie @ The Fantasy Princess

    Glad to hear that your new job is going good! I haven’t looked at any of the awards on Goodreads. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  7. Sophia Rose

    Glad the new job felt even better this past week and you were able to get back into your reading. Ugh, GR votes were a big disappointment and I read in several genres including non-fiction- I saw two books out of it all that I would actually vote for. And, you confirm me in my habit of not delving too deeply in Bookstagram or other social media book discussions. 😉 Good to see that the new Zanetti is going good for you. I enjoyed that fall anthology and yes the cover is great. Pretty fall step-back, too.

    Have a good week, Renee!

  8. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    Glad to hear this past week at work was better than the last. I’m sure it’s an adjustment. I can’t say that I pay a lot of attention to the Goodreads awards. I vote in a category if there were books that I read, but beyond that I don’t give it a lot of thought. I know that romance readers are usually unhappy with the options, though.

    Isn’t Chandler’s tree so stunning?! I was watching her video and kept staring at the tree. lol

  9. Mary Kirkland

    I usually either block or mute people on social media that are hateful. My social media is nice because I don’t put up with the haters. I think it’s fine to just block people who make social media bad for you.

  10. Carole @ Carole's Random Life

    I wondered if there was a way to write in this year because I didn’t see it. I am able to listen to audiobooks at work and I love it. I hope that you can make that work at your new job. I see lots of great books here. I hope that you are having a great week!


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