I am Lover of romance, who indulges in the romantic adventures of literature

My name is Renee, and I am the host of this site. I am a 34 year old woman, on the prowl for her mate, searching out the best of books, exploring the wilds of the imagination and delving into the heart of a beautiful love story.



Book Review-The Angel In My Arms by Stefanie Sloane

The Angel In My Arms is the second book in the Regency Rogues Series. After enjoying the first one, I was very excited to get started on this story. The…

Book Review-The Sheik Retold by Victoria Vane

Diana, is a heiress, and has plans for adventure. She was raised practically as a tom boy since her brother raised her when her parents died. Diana doesn’t think about…

Book Review-Wicked Earl Seeks Proper Heiress

Averil is out searching for her sister, that she only knew as a infant. With her parents gone, she knows that it is up to her to find her long…

Book Review-Duncan by D.B. Reynolds

My Review  Duncan has been at Raphael’s side for over a hundred years, ever since he was first turned. Now it is time for Duncan to become a vampire lord,…

Book Review-Sapphire’s Are An Earl’s Best Friend

My Review Lily, ever since she was a little girl, admired her father for his profession and so she followed his footsteps and now works as a spy for the…

Book Review-Sun God Seeks…Surrogate

Penelope is approached by the strangest craziest woman known…Cimil. Cimil offers Penelope a proposition, she will give her a million dollars in exchange for having her brothers baby. At first…

Throwback Thursday (19)

Throwback Thursday is a new meme hosted by Buried Under Romance and Love Saves The World, and since I just love Historical Romance I decided to participate. What Is Throwback…

Book Review-A Wicked Pursuit

Harry Fitzroy, has finally decided that it is high time he marry, so he picks the belle of the Ton, a beauty like none other, with grace and poise. So…

Book Review-Last Kiss Goodnight by Gena Showalter

It has been quite some time since I have read this author, and this series is very recent. So when I saw this on the bookshelf at my local library,…

Audio Book Review- A Kiss At Midnight by Eloisa James

A Kiss At Midnight is the first book in the Fairy Tale series that this amazing author has created for us. Now I have read most of the books in…

Book Review-The Raider by Monica McCarty

My Review When Lady Rosalin was sixteen, she rescued a rebel who was sentenced to death by her brother. She sensed something noble and great about him, and after she…

Book Review-The Cowboy of Valentine Valley by Emma Cane

The Cowboy of Valentine Valley is the third installment of the Valentine Valley series. Now this is a new author for me, and I am really starting to like her…